Thursday, September 27, 2007


Now that I am attempting to wean Huda off, there are two unintended consequences of this process.

1. Huda doesn't wake up as often at night
Woohooooooooooo!!! This means, I am finally having better sleep at night. I have not yet reached the stage of an uninterrupted 6 hours of sleep but 4 hours of continuous snooze is good.
Last night, she only woke up at 1am and 6am, after going to sleep at 8pm. Nice.
2. She's eating more
Woooooooohoooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!! Finally! This is most probably the result of rejecting all the bottled milk that I've been trying to give her. Now, she's eating a slice of bread for breakfast, a couple of biscuits in between meals, 4 tablespoons of rice/porridge for lunch, another slice of bread for tea and 4 more tablespoons of rice/porridge for dinner. Ooookay. Some of you are rolling your eyes. Big deal for some, I know. But this little kid used to make her momma cry when she only took 2 teeny eeeny little bites for lunch and that was it. She's one fussy eater. Still is. But at least she's eating more now. And I must be grateful for that.
However. There is still that little problem with the bottle of milk. She's beginning to reject it with greater frequency and ferocity these days. That, I'm having great difficulty dealing with. But I'll save that for another day, hoping and praying that she will hate the bottle less.


irris irris said...

That's good news! Hopefully she'll drink up!

Familjen Martenson said...

Yay for you! Hope she'll take to the bottle soon ..

nad makhuda said...

irris & nisa - yessssss.. i hope she'll start taking the bottle soon. today, she's an eating machine and keeps on asking for food! yipppppeeeeee!!! i hope this will continue and she will also start asking for bottled milk!

Elizabeth Choo said...

Dun worry emma now drinks formula too....I added a little milo for may want to try...not too much just a little...

Ana mn said...

You know what, i read that children need to be introduced to new food about 10 times before they could accept it. So the moral, be persistent and constant. Once she's thirsty, she'll drink from the bottle. Drink from a cup? At least she's learning the skill of drinking from a cup. I think she's eating quite regular meals. Chey, got tea some more.
Now for my Sarah, she wants new food. Food that we eat, like asam pedas, curry, lemak cili api...boleh gitu.
Don't worry, the sleep will COME back. It does for me after Sarah reached 18 months. Now she's getting up later than 7.30am and she can even let me sleep for a while after she has woken up.
Add a lil bit of cereal in her milk bottle before she sleeps to last through the night?

izadnhana Ismail said...

no cereal in milk bottle leh, she might choke... :S

hv u tried giving her milk in sippy cup?
or fresh milk from the box? (the kind that's small and cute with a straw to suck from)

nad makhuda said...

bird - she likes our milo when we spoonfeed her but she doesnt like milo in her bottle. :(
i die die also want her to drink from the bottle because spoonfeeding is ridiculously time-consuming and messy. i shall try the milo thing again. what formula is emma drinking now?

rohana - that's what her dietitian told us. some children need up to 10 exposures to new food before they accept it. i almost fell off the chair when i heard that! the dietitian also told me not to slave away in the kitchen to come up with gourmet meals for the royal highness. i listened to her good advice and you know what's huda's favourite food for now? plain porridge + butter (senang sehh nak masak), salmon baked with kicap and any green veges chopped up finely. thank goodness i've stopped borrowing recipe books and trying out all those fancy schmancy kid recipes!!
about adding cereal - i can no longer get her to drink from the bottle now!! she used to be okay with it last week but now, she refuses it from the word go.

hana - yes and yes. i've tried soooo many methods!!! fresh milk also dah bagi - straight from the fridge, slightly warmed, put in the yakult container with the yakult straw (cos she liked playing with the yakult container) etc.

i would like to think that huda is a bit challenging in the food department because my second one will make things easy. so, her job is to test us in all ways possible, get all the kinks out of the system and then, it's smooth sailing. (well, i can dream, cant i?)

mrs shafei z said...

our aisyah used to eat only a few tablespoonfuls and thats it. but like many people advised, it's a phase and it will go soon. and don't worry now about having less milk if she eats more because you can replace the nutrients wif food such as calcium in cheese. we see many paeds (yg ader suroh makan srilankan food lah, bla bla) but this paed told us its ok for her take less milk because aisyah's growing very slowly from her milk intake which was greater than what she eats. we lessen her milk intake now and she suddenly starts eating again. she gets bored of the same meals for lunch and dinner though and want different food but it's ok as long as shes eating.

and yes, i cry a lot too when my lil one's not eating so try ur very best to introduce lots of food.

nad makhuda said...

norza - yes! yes!! i think that's exactly what huda's doing now. now that her milk intake is reduced, she's eating a lot more. and, dare we say it? we feel that she's slightly heavier now. but each time we felt this way in the past, we were proven wrong by the weighing scales. so, we are not taking her weight at all until i feel that my back is breaking from her weight. or until her next apointment end of next month. as for milk, thankfully she likes cheese and yogurt so those 2 are good subtitutes, i guess. and what on earth is a srilankan diet???? makan kari aje?

mrs shafei z said...

srilankan recipes bnyk pakai yogurt, i tink...and ghee. :D you can use organic ghee. like you, i dont want to be too sure to measure her weight too. i tell myself...if i am having difficulty carrying her with both my hands, then she must have gained some!

Elizabeth Choo said...

Emma drinks Enfagrow... Tried pedisure too but she took to this... and its cheaper than that....