Sunday, September 16, 2007

Men, Women and ?

I thought my sister was pulling my leg. But, no. It's true.

From Channel News Asia's website:

First Tree Climbing Championship attracts over 20 participants

SINGAPORE: It was literally a race to the top when over 20 participants took part in Singapore's first tree climbing competition.

It took place in Dhoby Ghaut and using a rope and saddle, the climbers were seen pulling themselves up skilfully.

The participants are judged on their footwork and poise and are also awarded points each time they reach a new target.

The competition was divided into three categories - men, women and foreign workers. ...



Misdawati Misty said...

oh dun look down on foreign workers... i bet dey may be much more skillful den d locals... ya i caught d news too.. agaknye da takde bende laen lagi nak panjat.. coz spore nie kan limited.. hehehhehe

nad makhuda said...

but, why are foreign workers in a separate category? why couldn't they simply be together with men or women? it's like they are another category of humans. i find it so unbelievable that a competition is divided in such a way.

Misdawati Misty said...

oh ya hor! why eh.. abit unfair eh.... maybe pple like us singaporeans.. look down on dem... not me...

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

haha, i don't think it's like that lah nad. they create a separate category for them coz singaporean's surely cannot compete with them one! chances are, they have better climbing skills :)

bukan look down, but 'look up' lah tu :)))

Ana mn said...

ya hor! Maybe cheaper rewards?

nad makhuda said...

anne - you are soooo positive. stll it's not fair, right? if they are good, shouldn't they win either the men or women's category?

rohana - dunno what the prizes are. anyway, if an angmoh expat drawing a salary of $20k/month want to join the competition, would he also be in the foreign workers category?

in any case, i wonder which category an angmoh expat will be in.