Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Another Object Broken

Dear Husband,

Your daughter has not been at her best behaviour.










izadnhana Ismail said...

apa benda ni???

Azlifah Afizukil said...

tu ah...apa kebende tu? vacuum? looked like some oxygen tank ley...

nad makhuda said...

hana & az - that's part of my husband's home theatre system. huda simply pulled the speaker from the stand. oxygen tank, eh? heheheeee...

Ana mn said...

Syabas Huda ke atas creativity dan curiousity. I am very sure your Daddy will easily forgive you ;-)

nad makhuda said...

rohana - bapaknye bila nampak gambar ni semasa dia di tempat kerje, terpaksa buat breathing exercises macam perompan nak bersalin.

Elizabeth Choo said...

Oh my....

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

if it makes u feel better, nunu's not been in her best behaviour too. I've lost my mummy cool countless times & no amount of parenting books can prepare me for her brash bravado