Thursday, September 20, 2007


This entry has nothing to do with ants, broken speaker stands or glasses.

I am now actively trying to wean Huda off breastmilk. It has been 18 months; my target was 2 years but I think I've got to start weaning her off NOW if

a) I intend to return to the workforce (boohoohooo!!!) in January and not have to pump; and

b) I want baby #2 to appear before I turn 40

This morning, I decided to try Karihome's Goat Milk on the kid. And she managed to take 30ml of it, spoonfed. My sister-in-law managed to spoonfeed 4 ounces of milk to my niece. That's almost 120ml! If every tiny spoonful is about 0.5ml, she would have to stuff the spoon into her daughter's mouth a gazillion times!!

Just now, the little kid woke up from sleep and insisted on more breastmilk, direct from the source, mind you. I sooooooooooooooo regret not pumping diligently when I started going on my no-pay-leave. For baby #2, I am definitely going to insist on the kid downing at least one bottle of expressed breastmilk daily. That way, weaning won't be as tough as it is now.

So, I gave her 10 minutes of breastmilk after which I prepared 2 ounces of goat's milk. I spoonfed her and, she took in about 10ml. Then, I tried making her drink from the bottle like it's a cup (no teats; she was playing with the teat) and the smell must have put her off. She put the teat on the bottle so I screwed it on for her and she started drinking the milk from the bottle!!!!

She didn't take much. Only about 30ml. But, it's a good start.

I have already made my baju kurung with zippers by the side. It's okay if I don't have to pull down the zippers this Hari Raya. I am slowly warming up to the idea of having a thermos flask, powdered milk, bottled water, bottles, bottle warmers and the entire milk-making paraphernalia in the luggage that I'll have to lug around during Hari Raya visiting.


izadnhana Ismail said...

if u want to order karihome by bulk, let me know, i'm doing that wif my fren... :)
(beli direct dari guardian mahal nak mam!!)
btw we used to use Healtheries, which smells SOOOO much nicer, but mustaffa jacked up the bloody price by TEN FREAKING DOLLARS and claimed it's the GST fault, grrrrrr!!

Ana mn said...

Welcome to the Club!

nad makhuda said...

hana - how much is the bulk purchase price for a 900g can? my sample packs are running out soon. wah leow. goat's milk so expensive seh. i checked at a polyclinic pharmacy once and it was close to $40? i've really saved tonnes by breastfeeding. (more shopping!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!)
GST = an increase of $10???! go complain to case lah!! profiteering sampai tak malu gitu?

rohana - hold your horses, errr, goats. notchet. cik puan huda keeps on pulling my t-shirt up and goes, "nak ni, nak niii." sigh.

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

share with me your weaning adventure, will ya

nad makhuda said...

anne, the next weaning story is for you. :)
does nunu drink milk from a bottle at all?
if she does, that's a start.

tea tea said...

maybe i should make baju kurung w zippers? hmmm good idea...kalau tak, pakai jubah butang depan jer la tapi kena masih glam time raya!

nad makhuda said...

tea - but you'll still be in confinement! (tapi still must glamer bila orang datang to visit, hor?)

breastfeeding in public requires lots of practice tau. even pumping requires skill (or maybe i'm just an eejit) - the first one or two weeks of pumping, i did it, erm, without a top. lock the door and pump away. some mroe, must do all those massage before pumping. hahaa! very difficult to handle all the equipment and always pushing the t-shirt up. so jialat.

then, when huda came back. same story also. i locked myself in the room and fed her without, erm, anything on on top. hahaa! too much info, eh? but the point is, it requires practice, practice and more practice to do it without revealing more skin than necessary.

so good luck glamming it up!! :)

tea tea said...

tt's a load of useful info!! never too much info! heheh ! i just hope he'll 'pop' in ramadan still....akan ku tunggu lagi~~...

nad makhuda said...

tea- jia you H-boy!!