Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thank You, Mrs Kong!


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you for suggesting Milo!

Last night, I added half a teaspoon of Milo to Nan 3. (I think Milo + goat milk would have tasted so weird cos goat milk stinks real bad.) I wasn't expecting much cos the last time I added Milo to her Pediasure, she didn't like it much. But, Rohana reminded me about the 8-10 exposures, so I should give it another shot.

At first, Huda flatly refused the bottle and when I tried spoonfeeding her, she pushed my hand away, spilling her milk all over the mattress. GRRRRRR.

Then, she got tired of fighting and took the bottle.

She started drinking - 20 ml - before she passed the bottle back to me.

She tossed and turned and when she finally found a comfortable position on my lap, she took the bottle from my hands and finished everything up! I just have to repeat that. Finished  E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

It was 12.30am. The Husband & I just could not stop gushing about how Huda guzzled everything.











Irrelevant Pictures of Huda in a Something-That's-Supposed-To-Be-A-Sari


mrs shafei z said...

alahai..manisnyer senyoman.
bleh nyanyi lagu kain pelekat...lalalala~

izadnhana Ismail said...

karihome got smell meh?..

nad makhuda said...

norza - tapi dia pakai kain pelekat tu macam sari. jadi, tak sempurna lah lagu kain pelekat tu.

hana - no smell meh? the one time i drank it (taste test first maaaahh..), i just couldn't take it. the after-taste (and what i thought is the smell) stuck to the back of my throat and assaulted my nose big time. the smell very much reminds me of any random mosque time raya korban. then again, man often tells me that my sense of smell is too acute for my own good.

Elizabeth Choo said...

She's so cute!!!!! Her smile is so beautiful! N cheeky....Haven seen her for a long time...need to meet up leh...
Good to hear that it helps...when she's drinking more and more used to the bottle, you can slowly add less... now emma will drink without it... so dun worry too patient....

nad makhuda said...

yes, yes. that's what i intend to do. each week, i'm going to reduce the amount of milo i add to her milk.
and yes yes yesss!!! we all must meet sooonnnn!!! (but the soonest available date is a weeknight sometime after hari raya?)

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

wahhhh! hmm i shud consider spiking nunu's milk with some milo too. she's being rather unpredictable nowadays (typical terrible 2 behavior la hor) - one minute she demands her milk macam nak runtuh bumbung, the next minute, she refuses the bottle flat. Gaahhhhh!!!

tea tea said...

ni kerja mak dia eh pakaikan the supposed sari?! haha! good attempt la! i showed fahmy and he laughed cute! terkekek aku...

nad makhuda said...

anne - oh gawd. i have to be so prepared for all these in the next few months!! milo may just do the trick on days when the refusal to take to the bottle gets to you.

tea - she took khairuman's kain and started wrapping it around her like a shawl. dia ni punya mainan sume merepek lah. and of course, mak dia lah yang balutkan kain ni jadi sari. racial harmony, katakan..