Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Crooked and Broken

This is my fourth pair this year.









Her fingerprints are all over it.












Misdawati Misty said...

awww so poor thng!!!!! well... huda did a great job... :p

Ai Li Tay said...

Nad- you have such a cheeky daughter! Hmm...who does she take after?

Azlifah Afizukil said...

At least Huda goes for specs, sumthing cheaper. Alisya goes for wat am i to do?

nad makhuda said...

watie - haha! good job? she better be a world-class athlete with all these practice she keeps on getting.

aili - i have nooooooooooooo idea who she takes after. man and i are guai, law-abiding people and we don't have a penchant for destroying glasses. :P

az - she has already destroyed my phone. it is now dying a slow death. i cant charge it direct and the phone guy said that the insides are slowly but surely getting rusty and unless i want to pay about $70++to replace the insides, it is beyond salvation. how did it get rusty? she kept on sucking on it. so much that at one point when i pressed the numbers, water kept shooting out of the keypad. my friend told me huda introduced a new feature in my phone - water fountain.

Ai Li Tay said...

Er...that is quite gross ya...but VERY funny.

Elizabeth Choo said...

Hahahaha I remember she broke jason's glasses.... his is diff to buy cos of his broad fat face so hrd to find then his lens are....expensive cos of his previous op the degrees not the same so one is so much higher than the other... not balance.... so ma fan....

nad makhuda said...

after my 3rd pair broke, i went back to the optician, told them that i dont care about the design. just get me something that is sturdy and i only changed the frame, the lenses i use the old ones. this one, not bad leh. bent like that but not broken. but the optician said it wont be for long, if she does the same thing on it again, that will be the end of spectacles #4.

Ana mn said...

Muka tak bersalah.

Ai Li Tay said...

Maybe you should get a pair pf specs made of....wood?

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

they lunge at our specs at lightning speed, don't they? and u never see it coming. i took a gamble & invested on a very good & sturdy frames (read: EXPENSIVE!) and so far, they're never broken. The worst was just senget benget jer, but I could always bend them back to shape.

nad makhuda said...

anne, i saw this brand of glasses once:
it looks like it could withstand the force of huda but i think, for now, i shall stick to my $40-frames. and yes, lightning speed, it definitely is! i dunno where she got that from cos her parents are sloth.

aili, wood? i'll need it to be as thick as a tree trunk and that's not too convenient to put on the face.

rohana, yeah lor. always buat muka innocent. just a moment ago, she opened up the drawers of the bedside table and removed all the contents. i did a supernanny style - speak firmly, look at the kid at her level, tell her that what she did was unacceptable and that i want a sincere apology. you know what she did? she grinned!!!!! GAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! what did i do wrong?!!

Ana mn said...

Ya Ya! I followed supernanny's advice also! Sarah just grinned like Huda. When I told her to salam my hand as a form of apology, she ran! Hahahahaha