Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Face of My Life?

Help! Help! Help!

I am seriously addicted to the word games in faceb0ok. (I have very nerd-like interests. My name is so apt for me. My parents named me nerdirah, after all...) Previously, I would badger my sister to log into her account so that I could play scramble using her account. But, thanks to one terribly boring afternoon spent too long waiting for someone to be free, I decided to start my own account so that I could play the game on my own. And, oh dear, oh dear... I discovered more word games which I used to play on yahoogames.

What else do I think of facebo0k? I think it's frightening that sooooooooo many people are on it. What is the appeal of facebo0k, I wonder? Why isn't friendster as popular as facebo0k? Don't they serve the same purpose? 

In any case, I'm going to use this holiday to indulge in my addiction and hopefully, get sick of it before work starts again.

And, now, I got to go back to nursing my addiction. Tataa!


Ai Li Tay said...

Aiyo...u see, that's why I dun wanna get one...

Liza Ali said...

shite. now i know there's games on FB and im soooo going to look for it. yes, im a facebook idiot, ada acct dunno got games. but nad, recently im hooked on brainless games like cake mania n sally's spa. so bimbo kan?

nad makhuda said...

but, one day, you may accidentally get hyourself an account and then.... good luck!!

nad makhuda said...

do you know what i can be addicted to? solitaire. on the computer. i can play it for hours!! hahahaaaa!!! have i out-bimbo-ed you?

tea tea said...

i am a nerd too since time immemorial and i get addicted to word games and who has the biggest brain games in fb too...i play it at work and at home.. hahah! i am also addicted to the sandwich game on yahoo...

oh errr..yar and i've suggested a few pple tt u may know but errr no obligation to add la k! meanwhile enjoy the games! hahaha

su s said...

tak ku sangka Nad!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

u're on facebook? hahaha...there's a wrps gang on facebook u noe. btw, u shud try playing diner dash....lagi addictive!

nad makhuda said...

werent we twins in jj? that made you a nerd then.. but then, you blossomed while i remained a nerd forever. keh keh kehh..

and, yes.. thanks for the suggestions! more people i know! yang aku tak fevret sangat, orang yang aku tak kenal langsung add aku. is that normal?

nad makhuda said...

apa yang kau tak sangka? yang aku a nerd? chet.. kau dah kenal aku dah lama, masih tak sedar ke hakikat yang sebenar?

nad makhuda said...

diner dash - yes, i once had the game and played it non-stop. this was after i overcame my addiction for feeding frenzy. ni pun game best.

and, i noticed the wraps gang there too.. cuma nombor satu dengan dua aje takde kat sana.. or maybe they have it eh?

tea tea said...

a'ah org tak kenal pun nak add kan? it's normal...and aku decline 100%, :P

hahaha! yar...the twins..i am still a nerd until now okie!

word challenge ko boleh hit sampai berbelas ribu markah...fuiyohhhhhhhhhhh! power!!!!!!!!

nad makhuda said...

word challenge got tactic one. i discovered accidentally. once you''ve uncovered the 6-letter word, you can click the crown on the left. then, you'll get a bonus round where u are supposed to unscramble your friend's name. if you are fast enough, you can get 400+ points for that. then you'll get a new puzzle. dont bother with the 3-letter word cos you wont get additional time for that. try to figure out the 4-letter words and above. continue going for the bonus rounds. and you'll beat me in no time because your typing is so much faster than mine.

Ai Li Tay said...


nad makhuda said...

aili - i'm a hopeless addict. hahaa! remember the feeding frenzy days when yc and i would go hunting all over for the game? really must go into therapy one...