Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Going to School

1 December 2008 will mark a major milestone in Huda's life.

She's going to school, at the ripe old age of 2 years 9 months.

Initially, my main motivation of sending her to school was to allow her to mix around with people her age. Then, my father fell ill and the need to send her to a school was even greater. Now that things have stabilised on the home front, she will be going to school mainly to socialise.

She will be attending a nearby childcare centre, a centre that my nieces and nephew also go to. Choosing the cc wasn't a difficult task. It meets almost all the criteria I have, not that I had many to begin with. It was not airconditioned and the same teachers have been there for many years. I would not want to send Huda to a cc where the teachers change every few months. It also helps that three of her cousins are in the same cc so she'll see familiar faces all the time.

I don't know who will be affected worse when she goes to school. Huda or her mother. I have a feeling that she will adapt to the new school easily (the school is not unfamiliar to her; we go there sometimes to pick up her cousins) but I will most probably miss her terribly. Sigh.

I think I have to start planning my December schedule so that I will be kept busy when she's at school. Cooking and baking, perhaps? *nervous laughter*


syarni 97 said...

wah, kakak huda nak masuk cc la.. mesti ok punye, ade cousins yg lain.. kalo akan datang farouq masuk cc pat buangkok..die sorang je.

tea tea said...

huda's going to cc soon too? i think huda will adapt reasonably well cos' of the familiar faces..

the mother gotta do something...for the separation anxiety. hehe..

ok wat..baking and cooking...domestic goddess... chia yoh!!

mrs shafei z said...

i'll face separation anxiety too cos aisyah's going to skool next yr. but to think of it, i think i'll be quite busy with her adek for that few hours. hehe. :) and i think you will too, insyaAllah.

nad makhuda said...

meh, pindah woodlands. then farouq and haziq will be in the cc together. heh heh heh...

nad makhuda said...

ni lah angan2 mat jenin.. i actually have no excuse not to cook since i dont have to entertain huda 24/7 when she's in the cc. :)

anyway, yeah. i hope she'll be able to adapt well. each time i ask her abt her school, she'll get so excited and will mention all her cousins who are in that school.

nad makhuda said...

it's not that soon for me. i'm not due til march so for the first few months, i'll have a bit more time on my hands. :)

Azlifah Afizukil said...

eh mana nie sekolah nye? i'm still tinking abt wad skool to put alisya in...

Ana mn said...

Mesti lah mak nya yg affected.
Best eh Huda gi skolah during your Dec hols. At least you have some time for yourself before No.2 comes....heheheehhehehehehehe

irris irris said...

I think I'll follow Huda's mom's footsteps and place Adam in CC when he's about that age.... let's see...

nad makhuda said...

mercu, at block 800+, near qihua primary. you want to put her in a cc ke?

nad makhuda said...

yeah loh. i dont want to make her feel like i'm abandoning her in favour of #2 so that's why must put her in a school a few months before #2 comes.

and yes, fortunately, they have an intake in december so at least, if she's going to cry her lungs out or disturb other kids during nap time, i can pick her up and save myself the embarrassment. and of course, i have some time to refine *ahem* my culinary skills in december. chehh.. like real only...

nad makhuda said...

so, you are not putting adam in a cc just yet? yeah.. delay as much as you can cos i'm now mentally prepared for a trip to the doctor every 2 weeks once she starts school. let him enjoy (bully?) grandma-grandpa first also la..