Sunday, November 09, 2008

An Evening with ---

There were no pyrotechnics, no fireworks, no fancy dance moves, no dancers, no confetti, no elaborate stage set-up.

But those were not necessary.

Because there was Anuar Zain.

It was almost surreal to see Anuar Zain live in person. I only managed to shake off that am-I-really-here feeling by the third song.

I was blown away by his perfect vocals. And The Husband (yes, he was beside me all along to make sure that I remember that I'm a married woman - heh) was just as enthralled by his voice. This despite telling me repeatedly before the concert began that he was going to fall asleep. He reached all the high notes effortlessly and he was pitch-perfect all the time. He sang with emotion and you can feel the pain when he sang Kembalilah Kasih, which he wrote to mourn the loss of a lady for whom he waited five years. *gulp* Five years. Imagine that. And all you get at the end of five years is news that this woman is marrying someone else. With a man like that, how can the ladies in the crowd not swoon?

He sounded so much better than on his CD (and he already sounds great on CD). I wished that I had an audio-recording device (heh heh - the ushers at Esplanade would have a fit) so that I could listen to his powerful vocals again and again and again...

Now, I can only hope that there will soon be a DVD of his concert released.


Acknowledgements: 1. Jiji & family for babysitting Huda;   2. The Husband - for the tickets, for the company and for enjoying himself and not falling asleep. :D


Ai Li Tay said...

You found someone that can make you give up a few hours of time with Huda!!!

che' puan said...

even so.. i wouldn't think it'll sound as good as the 'live' one.. with him on front of you....hehe

Ana mn said...

What can be so not enough about him? Money? Looks? Tsk tsk tsk

nad makhuda said...

ooh yes!! it was difficult leaving her, though. she was nonchalant about us leaving because she had her cousins to play with so it made me feel so unwanted. sob sob. Man told me that if i cried, we would just stay home so i steeled myself and left her behind and it was worth it! heheee..

nad makhuda said...

ooh yes!! it was difficult leaving her, though. she was nonchalant about us leaving because she had her cousins to play with so it made me feel so unwanted. sob sob. Man told me that if i cried, we would just stay home so i steeled myself and left her behind and it was worth it! heheee..

irris irris said...

wow, a night of pampering... lucky preggy lady :P

nad makhuda said...

of course.. but.. what to do.. nak lepaskan gian punya pasal...

nad makhuda said...

well, well.. it's her loss... more of him for all of us! hahaa!

nad makhuda said...

pampered by the silky voice of anuar zain, no less! what a night!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Happy u..capai jugaklah cita2 kau nak sikatkan rambut anuar z,,,,hehehe

tea tea said...

eh ko pegi!!!!!!!!!!! bestnya!!!!!!!!!!!!! aku jelessssss! tengok dia kat tv during the interview b4 his concert dah mencairkan aku...

ur daughter in ur tum tum turut dibuai dengan alunan merdu suara anuar zainnnnnn....dia kick tak? or u too swooned? hehe

nad makhuda said...

rambut dia dah pendek.. aku takleh belai belai.. :(
tapi takpe. yang penting, suara dia mencairkan jiwa aku. wahahaaa!

nad makhuda said...

ohh.. anak dara tu sungguh excited. asik tendang2 aje satu malam..

tapi bukan dia sorang je excited tau. cik huda kat rumah pun excited. every time dia dengar nama anuar zain, she'll put her hands up and shout out, 'yeh! anwan zhen! anwan zhen!'. bila ditanya anwan zhen nyanyi lagu apa, jawapan klasiknya ialah 'itsy bitsy spider'

nur azean said...

Nad i must tell u this, aku kene hantar ke sekola kau arggggh!

nad makhuda said...

whoooooops. untuk komentar2 yang sensitif ni, aku dah pm kau. :)