Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Week 23


That stands for too free. D stands for? This may be read by my children when they grow up so let's sanitise things a bit.

Yes,  yes. I'm too free today. That explains two blog entries within an hour.

I *think* I'm in Week 23.

This is just a little update about my pregnancy so far. The vomiting has stopped. Yayyy! But, this baby seems to be squeezing my stomach and so I can only eat a tiny amount each time because I feel extremely bloated after each meal.

Occasionally, I feel cramps especially in the lower abdomen area. I don't know if that's because of the low placenta but I have faith that the placenta will not be too low as the weeks go by. That's what the gynae says. I am trying to avoid carrying heavy things. By January, I should be able to avoid climbing stairs also because the lift in my block should be ready by then. So, when I'm heavily pregnant in January, I should be having an easier time.

The baby is moving about the tummy quite a bit these days. I can feel movements on the left and right and mostly nearer to the bottom, below my C-section scar. It's nice to know that the little one is having a whale of a time in there.

My stomach now is so much bigger than when I was 34 weeks pregnant with Huda. (That's not saying much because I barely had a tummy then. Haha!) So, I'm actually filling out some of my maternity clothes nicely.

Talking about maternity clothes - I really dont understand myself. I only need to wear maternity clothes for about 6 months at best but I have a lot more maternity clothes than I have nursing tops. I intend to nurse my child for about 2 years so it makes sense to have more nursing tops, doesn't it?

And, I gotta make a decision between CordLife and StemCord. Dunno which one to go for. I couldn't bank in Huda's cord blood because she was a preemie with IUGR. Hopefully, this one will be okay so there will be some cord blood to be stored as insurance.


tea tea said...

we din put hazim's cord blood anywer....:S i kinda regret it.
i think it'd be good to have it stored...like u said as insurance.

nur azean said...

Nad, will the second one b a c section too?

nad makhuda said...

yeah lor.. in these times of strange illnesses, it is good to have all these things on standby. hopefully, there will never be a need to use it la. nehmind, for you, you can store your #2's cord blood. huda didnt have any stored either.

nad makhuda said...

it depends on the placenta. hopefully not lah. it'll be nice to go through natural birth. but, i'm not fussy. as long as the baby comes out healthy, i am not really too concerned how she comes out. :)

Liza Ali said...

I was actually approached by the Cord Blood Bank people. Then somehow I decided to ask Dr Tan herself. She actually advised me against it. Something abt the time taken to draw the blood out or apa ntah. But she managed to convince me. Perhaps you can ask her personally during your next visit and well...make your 80-90 bucks visit worth it ;p

irris irris said...

I read somewhere that if a child is unwell somewhere along the way, the cord blood would probably have the elements that caused that sickness too. Entah lah eh, wallahualam. Just do what you think is right. I didn't bank in adam's cord blood too. Now I just tawakkal aje lah..

nad makhuda said...

really? she discouraged? okay, i'll ask her and find out why that is so. my next appt is monday. knowing her style, what i normally do before each appointment is prepare all my pregnancy complaints and pains. then, the moment i enter the room, i'll start listing down all the problems. so, at least, i'll get more than 'okay, see you next month.'

so, next monday, i'll have more questions to ask her. :)

nad makhuda said...

i read that too but they say that certain diseases, like cancer, may not necessarily be caused solely by a defective gene. so, we'll see how. for now, i'm still considering and deciding.