Thursday, November 06, 2008


I don't want to waddle but I've got cramps on my bottoms and waddling seems to be the best way to walk.



Eity Norhyezah said...

Haha....i remember waddling during my pregnancy too!!

Liza Ali said...

Had that problem during 2nd pregnancy too. Tak glamour pun gasak lah...asalkan comfortable ;p

nad makhuda said...

eity & liza,

memang tak glamer langsung. but the worse thing is, my stomach is not THAT big so from certain angles, when i walk, i just look like a duck. euw.

Ana mn said...

Takpe lah. Cute per.
At least you can demonstrate to Huda what waddling means. ;-p
Hey let's meet up for lunch peeps!