Thursday, November 27, 2008

Woes of a Commuter

I am trying to cut down my expenses on taxi (which could reach up to the high hundreds in some months) and take other modes of public transport instead. But, my mood turns ugly each time I have to take the train during peak hours.

Do the people heading SMRT take the MRT regularly? Are they even vaguely aware of how long 6 minutes is during rush hour? What possessed them to think that it is even remotely acceptable to remove seats from trains and have standing-space-only carriages? Don't they realise that commuters prefer seats? If commuters do not prefer seats, explain why people are not standing when seats are available? Don't even get me started on the useless 45-degree bum rest they removed after complaints from the public. Gaah! Hate them!

I am so tempted to get a car - only thing is, I have neither the license nor the moolah. $2 COEs don't happen every month. I hate hate hate being held ransom by these providers of public transport!!!


izadnhana Ismail said...

eh i thought you've been taking driving lessons?? what happened??

nad makhuda said...

errr... i failed my first time.. then, didn't turn up the second time round.. then got too busy with work.. then got pregnant.. so now, i'm still stuck with buses, mrts and taxis... will try to get my license next year when i'm on npl.

Minny Mouse said... thinking to fake pregnancy so I can get a seat on MRT!

nad makhuda said...

unfortunately, pregnancy does not get you seats. it makes people who are seated fall asleep immediately.

tea tea said...

u know ah, when i was pregnant, i got seats all the time. maybe my tummy was realyl too big for my size tt pple feel guilty when they see me standing. :P i was prepared for the 'sleep syndrome' actually. but someone will surely give up his or her seat for me. and it STILL happens NOW. when i am not pregnant. :P

tt shows so much. the tummy still shows too much. but it's all fats.

Liza Ali said...

Aku pun jarang (read:pemalas) nak naik public transport. Kalau bukan car then taxi. Bukan apa, tak tau apasal lah bila diri tepi jalan raya je tangan aku terangkat. Sumpah aku tak suruh.

But I read abt fugly commuters on stomp all the time. burok nak mams...

nad makhuda said...

good for you!!! i don't take the mrt THAT often (ie, not daily) and i've got a seat three times. once was before i even realised i was pregnant. i was wearing a babydoll-type top which made me look preggers (i hope that's the reason lah. i'll wear bengkung for 2 months after this pregnancy, just in case)

nad makhuda said...


Tangan aku pun automatically naik bila kat tepi jalan. Dah lah tu, aku dah pass on this virus to my laki. Mana tak bengkrap gini. (Nasib baik ni tahun masih ada bonos.)

(Tapi, kan, yang paling teruk kan... nak pergi causeway point pun - which is only one bus stop away - tangan terangkat.. Susah seh penyakit ni..)

che' puan said...

Ok mari kita celen siapa paling pemalas... siapa boleh beat this..? ada satu kali tu, masa aku relief... nak ke WRPS pada suatu hari yang panas dan terik... aku pun jalan kaki seberang blok, betul-betul depan bus-stop WRSS.. dalam hati menyumpah sebab bawak beg berat isi buku.. aku tertoleh ke jalan raya, apek teksi tertoleh kat aku... tiba-tiba aku dapat penyakit angkat tangan, teksi pun berhenti.... aku pun naik, tak payah cakap nak pergi mana.. aku tunjuk je building wrps yang tak sampai satu bus stop tu... apek drive straight je tak yah belok-belok... kurang 15 saat aku pun sampai ke destinasi....hahaha

nad makhuda said...

aku rasa, kau dah menang ah... aku tak pernah naik teksi for only 15 seconds. normally, paling kurang pun, about 45 seconds.. yang paling fedap - bila destinasi yang ingin dituju tu, depan mata aje.. tapi, ada lampu merah.. dah naik 20 sen meter tu..

che' puan said...

haha.. eh tapi aku dah tak buat kerja tu lagi.. sebab skrg teksi dah naik harga... hehehe.. kemarin je aku naik from my house to erp, plus peak hr , etc... cost me $30..!!!!!

Liza Ali said...

My strongest excuse for symdrome angkat tangan - im spending more so i have more time to spend with my kids. tapi balik terus membuta!! hahaha

Ana mn said...

Go get your license and a car, nad.

Klau setakat drive to work from your place, I am sure petrol mesti lambat nak habis. Lagi-lagi klau dah ada budak2, driving a car becomes meaningful.
It's convenient and time-saving. Klau kau jenis tak suka gi malls over the weekends, u don't have to worry about fighting for carpark lots! :)

nad makhuda said...

dulu, kalau taxi fare sampai $20, aku boleh kene heart attack. tapi, sejak-menjak wabak angkat tangan dah berleluasa dan dah attack anak aku yang baru setahun jagung ni, bayar aje la.. apa nak buat, orang takde kereta.. (that's my excuse for taking a taxi all the time..)

nad makhuda said...

yes! yes!!! benar sekali... kau punya excuse paling valid!!

nad makhuda said...

yes, i'm planning to do just that. i cant stand being held ransom by smrt! because i'm dependent on them and there are no alternatives, they can do all sorts of ridiculous things like remove seats from the carriages. GRRRRR!!!