Wednesday, December 03, 2008


My precious little one is now all grown up. Sob sob.

She started school on Monday.

She has been very excited about going to school as two of her cousins are there too and whenever her aunt comes over on weekdays and brings along only the wee ones, she realises that the missing older ones are at this place called school.

So, Monday morning came and she was jumping up and down chanting, 'Yay! Yay! Nak pergi sekolah!' (Yay! Yay! Going to school!)

She didn't cry one bit on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, when I told her that I was going off, little tears started rolling down her cheeks. But, the moment anyone looked at her, she would quickly wipe them away. Once she started her breakfast and was occupied, I left. Sigh.

Her teachers say that she's adjusting well. She had three portions of rice on Tuesday and today, after one portion of noodles for dinner, she said, "I want some more." This had to be the influence in school! She's eating more and asking for seconds! Wow! She's also brushing her teeth on her own and does not have to be forced into it. Wow wow! As I have been picking her up before her naptime, I do not know how she will react when forced to take a nap. That, I'll find out tomorrow as I will only pick her up after her naptime tomorrow.

My only grouse is she may pick up bad language habits from her friends. (Not that she's speaking all that well in the first place.. Hahaa!) But, what to do.. I can't keep her isolated forever, right? We just have to model the correct use of Malay and English to her.

She seems happy enough there and I am 94% happy that we made the decision to put her in school.


syarni 97 said...

hehe da besar sey huda!!

Dianah XD said...

apasal huda nampak gemok in the second pic.

irris irris said...

aww~ hey this experience is really much better than you imagined it to be kan? That's good!

nad makhuda said...

yup! yup!

nad makhuda said...

the school uniform lah. that's the smallest size and it's still too big for her.

nad makhuda said...

yes, *i* behave much better than expected. i thought my husband might have to drag me out of her classroom kicking and screaming but i was pretty civil about her going to school and left without shedding buckets of tears.. :)

irris irris said...

Congrats to Mak Huda too! I think the age you've sent Huda to school is a good one. She's eager for school, and is more confident for it too. Kalau too young, sometimes that's when kids can't get used to being away from their caregivers. Still awake?

nad makhuda said...

very much so.. time cuti sekolah ni, i find it such a waste to go to sleep early. of course, i'll be cursing myself tomorrow morning when i have to drag myself out of bed.

i think it depends very much on the kid la. my younger brother went to school when he was 4. he cried all the way til he was in kindergarten. two of huda's classmates were bawling miserably for the past three days. but the rest are okay. i suppose, each kid has a different start point when it comes to going to school?

mrs shafei z said...

you must be proud.
:) I hope aisyah will be like huda when she stepped into skool next yr. or mb she will be ok but her ibu won't...hehe.

nad makhuda said...

huuaaaaarrrrggghhh!!! huda shed her tears when i left just now.. she kept on saying, nak ikut mak. i am very sad and forlorn now at home but i must steel myself cos i want her to get used to taking her naps in school.. only gonna pick her up in about 2 hours..

i suppose, you'll be facing all these feelings that i'm going through now. i'm quite sure aisyah will be okay.. but it's just us who cant take it.. sigh. kesiyan anak aku tu...

tea tea said...

wah huda dah pegi skolah.......... kakak huda dah besar.... time flies too fast la...

when it's time for hazim to go to school, i will defniitely need some time to adjust and to accept the fact that anak aku dah besar... ok even if he's only 2 or 3 when he starts school, it'll still mean anakku dah besarrrrrrrrrr....haiz, skarang cuma dah jalan jer pun i already feel as if he's big already...kalau dah pegi skolah, makin sentimental lah aku nanti....

tea tea said...

btw boys cry more or girls cry more? and update on whether huda naps or not ok? hope she does!

su s said...

nad, I just sent my boy to childcare about a month ago.He cries his head off every morning when the father sends him and is always happy when I pick him up in the evening :) I hav no complaint so far especially the school is helping wif the potty training and I get to spend more time with my younger one.

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

gosh, how grown up she looks! abt naptime, i was worried that nunu wasn't able to 'comply' and nap when told to, but it took several days for her to catch the idea that there won't be much going on when everyone sleeps, so she must sleep osolah.

but at home, jgn haraplah dia nak nap a the same time of her nap at school

nad makhuda said...

i think boys cry in the first few days (except for my younger brother who cried for the first three years). huda started crying oredi. but the teachers say the tearful sessions are short.

and, her teacher also told me that she took her nap without a fuss yesterday. after she has finished her milk, she simply goes to sleep. miraculous!

nad makhuda said...

potty training! hahaa! yup yup! that's what the school will do in a few weeks once she is well-adjusted. that's one of teh many reasons why i gave up so easily. hehehee...

huda doesnt cry when she goes to school because her class starts the day at the playground. she only starts crying when the playground session is coming to an end and i have moved further away from the area..

nad makhuda said...

yes i agree. kat rumah, especially if i'm the one trying to make her sleep, she'll talk non-stop even long after i've gone to sleep. and she'll take at least half an hour to settle down and fall asleep.

i'm so amazed by what the school can make her do. they can even make her use toothpaste which she has refused all along. i think school is a place where miracles happen. hahaa!

Kai Ling Lim said...

where did that 6% happiness go to?

nad makhuda said...

because i miss her so when she's not with me.. :p

nad makhuda said...

because i miss her so when she's not with me.. :p

nur azean said...

arfa my second one will join huda very soon :) my only worry is that my daughter ni pelat n she will get frustrated if people dont understand her. hmmm nad cuti sekolah setakat brp minggu, zalim betul lah!

Lindah Taib said...

ahhhh... cutenyer.

nad makhuda said...

dont worry. huda also pelat one. so far so good. the teachers will comfort the children as well as the mothers. heheheee..

pasal sekolah tu - meh kita bobal in private eh?

Ana mn said...

Huda is a brave girl. Dia tak melalak mcm Sarah.
The routines that they learn in school kekadang sampai terbawak bawak pat rumah.
Recently, when she became angry with me, she would say, "I don't friend you." Ni mesti pick up pat skola la. Tapi, like what you wrote, ultimately it's us the parents who have to teach them right.
So enjoy your time alone .:-)

Ana mn said...

Huda is a brave girl. Dia tak melalak mcm Sarah.
The routines that they learn in school kekadang sampai terbawak bawak pat rumah.
Recently, when she became angry with me, she would say, "I don't friend you." Ni mesti pick up pat skola la. Tapi, like what you wrote, ultimately it's us the parents who have to teach them right.
So enjoy your time alone .:-)

nad makhuda said...

i'll die of embarrassment if the routines at home terbawak2 ke sekolah.

bcos, recently, she's been repeating AND doing what we told her: "something something something.. nanti mak pukul huda, eh?"

so, she's been saying, "nanti huda pukul eh?"

really awful leh. and paiseh also when she does this in front of strangers. so, we're suspending the smacking for now. using lots of reasoning which requires a lot more effort.

my time alone - i dont quite know what to do with so much time on my hands. have been cooking, though. hur hur. hopefully, by the end of the holidays, i would have cooked a few decent meals.