Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm so disappointed because...

...the lift won't be ready by January!

Months ago, when the lift upgrading programme started, I called the number given and asked when the expected completion date is. January 2009, they told me.

Being kiasu and excited and all, I called two more times and was told the same thing: January 2009.

This being very efficient Singapore, I naturally expected the lift to be completed by December, a bit ahead of schedule. I had visions of my very pregnant self waddling to the lift instead of struggling up the flight of stairs.

However, at this point, things still do not look complete. And so I called them again. This time, they told me: Oh, we've just revised the schedule last week and the lift in your block is expected to be ready sometime in the second quarter of 2009.

WHAT??!! That's anywhere between March to June. I would already have given birth by then and my pregnant self would have to go up the stairs throughout my entire pregnancy? Not even the possibility of a short reprieve towards the end of the pregnancy? Sigh.. I is very very sad lor.


tea tea said...

and we still haven't come over...i owe u so many things! *slaps forehead*

nad makhuda said...

no worries. i wont need those stuff til much later. i'll be carrying the little bub in the moms-in-mind sling for the first 2 months or so. and i have another breastfeeding pillow at my mom's. so, those stuff can wait! (hopefully the lift will be ready by then.)