Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Circuit.Cookie.Shitty.Bang Bang.

This is one of those I-did-this-I-did-that entry. (Read: Bo.o.o.o.oring)

1. My maiden attempt at the circuit during my driving lesson just now .. Wah leow! I'm gonna fail big time xiaaaa!! Just when I thought I'm pretty okay on the roads, my instructor brought me to the circuit where I mounted all the kerbs there were. Thankfully, there was only 1 other car there. Otherwise, I would have crashed into all the cars. Doesn't help that I have very little spatial awareness. And, once I've made a mistake, I won't even know left from right. But, one thing I'm grateful for is that my instructor is patient. He'll nag, yes. But he doesn't scold me for my stupidity.

2. Cookies! My sisters and I baked Milo Chocolate Chip Cookies just now. It's the one and only thing I'm baking 'cos I've ordered the other Hari Raya staples. I'm amazed by how fast we completed baking - it could be because all the little kids were sleeping. And, unlike previous years, no one bailed out midway although my older (is it older or elder?) sister and I threatened our younger sister that we'd go home at 3pm and leave everything hanging. Hahaaa! We're evil, eh? :P (Wednesdays are good to carry out projects like this cos the older sister takes Wednesdays off - her 3rd month maternity leave - and the younger sister has no classes on Wednesdays.)

3. Weaning's a bitch. Please pardon my unrefined English. I hate the pangs of guilt I have when Huda's constipated. Her first time in her entire life today. She was trying so hard to push her poo out but it refused to come out. The poor girl was crying in pain. I applied Minyak Telon (the Malay/Indonesian version of ru yi oil but a bit milder) and massaged her bloated tummy. After many, many massage sessions and frantic calls to my mother and sister, it finally came out. The guilt? Oh, I'm quite sure that the constipation is related to her not having breastmilk. You can't convince me otherwise, no matter what. Sob sob.

4. Talking about weaning - Huda's taking to the bottle quite well. She's drinking up to 6 ounces of milk a time with that half teaspoon of Milo added, of course. I should be celebrating but a part of me feels soooo saaaaaad to say goodbye to breastfeeding. When will all these feelings go away? I've read about this - that weaning comes with a huge dose of guilt but will it come to an end? 16 years down the road, when Huda's down with a cough, will I think that it's related to my weaning her off at 18 months? Sigh.


izadnhana Ismail said...

the feelings of guilt WILL go away eventually, dun worry. then you'll start to breathe in relief coz now u can 'let go' a bit more and start hmm, going out on dates, etc, lol. besides, a lot of environmental factors, plus ALL the other stuff (aka junk hehe) that she eats, will contribute to kids falling ill some time or other. just that huda will fall ill less easily and will get well faster, thanks to the foundation of 18mths of BM! :)

also.... you'll have seven more chances to do the whole BF thing again (if u follow ur mum's footsteps of popping out a total of eight heheee).

mrs shafei z said...

for the constipation part, you can always dilute the milk shes drinking by adding more water..powdered milk generally make lil ones constipated if you follow the instructions. and you can give huda yogurt...helps her to poopoo. :D dun give bananas..they harden the poop.

nad makhuda said...

hana - are you insane???!!!! i am NOT following my mother's footsteps! she is superhuman! i think, at the rate i'm going, 2 is about all i can handle without losing my sanity. :P maybe you want to try popping out 3 more? ;) then, your sons (statistically, that's what you are most likely gonna get) can have the kind of childhood izad had...

i'm glad to know that the guilt will go away. i hope it'll be soon. she struggled to poo again today. poor girl. tersisksa jiwa tengok.

norza - i reduced the amount of milk powder by one scoop today. i hate the instructions and warnings the milk companies print on the cans - that i must not use less than the amount suggested otherwise my child may not get the vitamins/nutrients she needs. pegi daaaaaahhh!!! penipuuu!! nothing can beat breastmilk! nothing! nothing! nothing!!!!
(okay. ummm. is behaving like a complete maniac part of the weaning process too?)

izadnhana Ismail said...


i STILL have that reaction when i look at formula milk instructions too. ni kira dah jadi mcm "bovinism", eh? i even used to shudder just passing by the milk aisle at the supermarket. :S

Ana mn said...

I ni bukannya apa... just look at the bright side of feeding Huda with bottled milk. Not only will you recover all those hours of deprived sleep, you can also have some time for yourself like going out on dates with Man and friends.
Memanglah I admit nothing beats breast milk but there are people who cannot provide their little ones with BM because they do not have a choice. So jgn lah get disgusted at the sight of milk powder in the supermarket cause it's still food for the little ones who do not have the privilege to feed on BM. Rezeki Allah, you!
About the no. of scoops, yes it's very true that you have to follow the sukatan. When Sarah was less than a year old, she often got constipation cause I fed her formula milk and rice cereal with milk. Mcm mana dia tak kena sembelit! So doctor advised me to let her drink prune juice and lots of fruits to soften it. Alhamdullillah, tak selalu Sarah kena sembelit.
After she was introduced to rice porridge and stopped rice cereal, she has stopped getting constipation. As she gets older, the no. of times she needs milk is only 3. The rest is real food!
Prune juice memang mujarab. Try it. It's not sweet at all but you can taste the prune flavour. What's more, it's very high in Vitamin C!

Ana mn said...

What to do during constipation:
1. After much showing of that constipated look, check her diaper. It there's no shit, that means sembelit lah tu.
2. Let her lie on her stomach on your lap. Look at her anus. Sometimes, bit of the poo is stuck there.
3. Gently press the muscles at the side of her anus to push out the stucked poo. (That is if you see poo at the door of her anus)

I have done this twice with Sarah and alhamdullillah it worked. There was once her poo was hard until there was a lil bit of blood. I felt like shit!

Ana mn said...

*Whispering* Touch wood, Sarah has never got cough. Fever biasalah and sampingannya mesti runny nose. Fever pon tak selalu. Alhamdullillah, berkesan juga formula milk. BTW it's Friso Gold 3. ;-)

tea tea said...

so did u add walnuts or pecans to the milo choc chips? i'm not baking any la. i'm leaving the baking to my sisters..and the cooking too...heehee..

nad makhuda said...

rohana - yup. some mothers cannot provide bm for their precious ones but those who can, should!
aku sental perut dia dengan minyak telon, massage punya massage keluar lah segala isi perut dia. that day, bila dia sembelit, there's no shit anywhere. still stuck in her insides. :( yesterday and today, she's on a mostly fruit and vegetable diet. today, bolognaise sauce with macaroni. and her poo is nice and soft. prune juice, i haven't tried with her at all. because *i* am very sensitive to prunes. just a little bit, and i'll be running to the toilet all the time. i'm afraid if it's the same for her, i'll have another set of problems. so, i just increase the amount of fruit and vege in her diet lor for these next few days and dilute her milk powder. itu friso gold bagus eh? this is the second time i've heard about friso gold in the past few days. will check it out when the current milk supply dah habis. huda is drinking milk about 3-4 times a day. i'm actually trying to get her to drink fresh milk. and yup, real food is always inifinitely better than the powdered/processed varieties.

hana - bovinism, it is!! i never thought of myself as the militant BF type but weaning has turned me into one. wahahahaaaa!!

tea - no leh. i didnt. i should have, though. i forgot all about the nuts. would have tasted much, much better with them!! waaaaaahhhh... so now you are just preparing the buka food and for the big day, your sisters will rule the kitchen lah? anyway, bila lah kau nak beranak? aku tunggu lama ni nak timang anak kau. bilang dia, huda dgn chick nad cakap, jangan hegeh hegeh. :)

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

nad, you kena mad cow ka? lol

btw, nunu doesn't like lah milo + milk. pelik tul anak dara aku tu

nad makhuda said...

anne- *lol* mad cow? i think so ah.

eh, good that nunu doesnt like milo + milk. dia takde sweet tooth. easier for you in future. then again, huda didn't like when i first added milo to her pediasure. try again a few days from now. maybe she'll take to it then.

tea tea said...

nad, aku tak tahu!! aku pun dah tak sabar nak beranak seh......... kena coax dia lagi nih...betul tuh, jgn hegeh2!