Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Huda had her 18-month check-up at KK (19.5 months, real age; 18 months, corrected age) and prior to that, we worried about her speech. According to the 18-month questionnaire we were supposed to fill up (or is it fill in?), she should be able to say 8 other words besides Mak and Ayah. We listed down all the words she knew and came up with a grand total of 6 words.

1. Air (Water, in Malay)
2. Nanna (Nenek = Grandmother)
3. Buh (Bird)
4. Bah (Ball)
5. Ambba (Umbrella) - Loooong story why umbrella is in this list
6. Nak ni (Want this, in Malay)
Of course we were concerned because the other items in the list were an ability to form three 2-word sentences and one 3-word sentence. For which we ticked the pleasantly-worded 'Not Yet'.
So, we thought. Confirm oredi. Speech therapist, here we come. On top of the physiotherapist, occupational therapist and dietitian that we are already seeing.
But, alhamdulillah! Her neonatologist said, although she scored below the cut-off point for the speech component, we do not need to worry because Huda maintains eye-contact when we talk to her, is sociable, understands our requests and does not have any hearing problems. So, whew! What a sigh of relief we heaved! 
And, more good news followed: her physiotherapist and occupational therapist discharged her! Wooooohoooooooooooo!! 2 less specialists to see. Now, if only we can get her to eat and bulk up, we can cross out the dietitian from the list too.
But, well, in the height and weight department, Huda's at the 3rd percentile for her height (Wooooohooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo!!! Finally, she's on the charts!) but still below the 3rd percentile for weight. But, okay lor. She's been gaining a bit of weight in the past few weeks. And, she's been eating well. So, hopefully, she'll gain more weight when we next see the dietitian 4 months from now.
So that was it.
Totally unrelated to the above - I realise that my skin looks so much better after a bout of fever. My pimples seem to have dried up and almost disappeared. And, I must remember that I am still allergic to Panadol.


Ai Li Tay said...

And why is this tittled doll???? I thought you were going to write about some adventure Huda had with her dolls...cheh la...

nad makhuda said...

wahahahaa!! i cheat your feelings, eh?

irris irris said...

Are you the one who looks like a doll? Maklumlaha...pimples sumer dah hilang.. :P

mrs shafei z said...

nanti huda dah pandai cakap...sumer suroh dier berenti. ekekeke.
and im allergic to panadol too.

nad makhuda said...

irris, i nearly choked on my phlegm (doll-like imagery eh?) reading what you wrote. NO. i am anyhow giving titles to all my entries lah. and dolls came to mind because the husband was saying that we need to buy huda a doll. but i honestly find dolls scary. thanks to all those chucky movies lah.

norza - *hi 5* a few of my siblings are allergic to panadol. we'll develop severe rashes if we eat it. but lately, my sister and i discovered that we'll get the rashes if we eat panadol when we're having fever. other than that, panadol is harmless to us. what happens to you when you eat panadol? and, huda is talking A LOT. only that, no one understands what she's talking about. she babbles in a mixture of tamil and mandarin, you see.

izadnhana Ismail said...

aniq speaks russian too hehee, but sometimes boleh translate to english and malay, so ok lah tu! :D
at least they CAN understand everything we say (which IS the scary part actually eh??) rather than buat bodoh and dun communicate (that would kinda smell of autism i think? selisihkan...)
and HEY im also allergic to panadol... and ponstan... my eyes basically swell up! which is kinda good actually coz it makes us develop higher pain thresholds pasal tak leh makan sebarang painkillers... :)

izadnhana Ismail said...

ohh and yeahh i also notice that my skin clears up after getting sick too! i read that it's coz our antibodies are too busy fighting all those bad stuff that they kinda forget to annoy our skin hehee. kira, low priority lah tu.

Ana mn said...

Sarah understands instructions very well. But her words are not clear. She babbles most of the time. I am giving her time to develop till 30 months of age, afterwhich I will take her to see a specialist if she still does not improve.

nad makhuda said...

hana - yes! it's okay if she takes time to sound out the words. as long as she understands instructions. however, i dunno if she's taking in EVERYTHING that we say, which would be extremely scary because we haven't started to filter our topics to make them child-friendly. sekali dia dengar kita ngumpat pasal makcik sebelah block, abetue next time we meet, she spews out everything her parents bitched abt. habis.
(a note to all the makciks living in the neighbouring blocks: we neeeeeever gossip about any of you. except the smoker in the block whose identity we still have not uncovered)

and the pimples clearing - i thought the high temperature fried the pimples. errr.. not scientific enough an explanation?

rohana - you also kiasu momma like me, ah? heheheeee.. so far, huda has not been scoring well in the speech section. but, her doctor is not overly worried about that. so, we were also not too worried lah. it's just that, this time round, out of a possible total score of 60, she scored a 20. so, we became concerned but a visit to her doctor put our hearts at ease.

Elizabeth Choo said...

Aiya no need to worry so much la! When emma was around that age, she did not really talk too. When they start to talk you'll really be thinking okie enough let me have some peace. Last Sunday I was having a headache and emma was singin non-stop in the car with her loud voice! My head nearly exploded! Its like a cd that can't be stopped! ;p

nad makhuda said...

bird - when that day comes, i'll recall all the times when we worry about her speech. anyway, i'm waiting for her to ask me if i'm okay when i lie down and put my hand on my head. if i'm sick and she doesnt ask me what's wrong with me, i'm gonna send her to emma for training.

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

i'm just dumbstruck at how many therapists a child has to see over there in s'pore!

nad makhuda said...

*lol* anne, dont get frightened! huda has to see all these people because she was born premature and had very low birth weight. so, she is under close supervision by the hospital. the average kid in singapore only sees a doctor when he's sick. we are not a nation of hypochondriacs, or so i hope.