Thursday, October 18, 2007

Warm Like Chicken Poo-Poo

There's this Malay saying that means, warm like chicken shit. So crass, hor? It means, you have a desire to do something but, this desire lasts only a short while. And you end up either abandoning it mid-way or not doing it at all. (It describes a lot of my 'projects' perfectly.)

Ever since I saw my mom's crocheted tablecloth and not able to find it (for sale) anywhere, I've been thinking of crocheting or knitting. With my newfound skill, I can also knit cute little hats for Huda and even knit hats for the preemies at KK! So exciting!

This is insane because my mother tried teaching me crochet before but I was just too inept at needlework to form anything decent.

So, now, with a tablecloth in mind as an end-product, I am seriously thinking of starting to crochet again.

I then went on to do a bit of research (looking at online forums of avid needlework fans) which  sent shivers down my spine - skein, 4mm hooks, 8mm hooks, threads of varying thickness...So many things to consider! Where do I begin?

Reality then hits home. I shall just wait it out - see when all these desires will end.


Ai Li Tay said...

Heh are not alone nad! I once saw a friend's really nice jacket knitted by my his mum...I was so amazed..i wanted to take it know. If you master it, teach me ok?

tea tea said...

my mom is also so into crocheting..she crochet practically everything and anything and wanted to pass down her skills to us..but errr kiter sumer tak interested langsung! at least u have some pursue it!! no warm like chicken shit can? ;)

nad makhuda said...

aili, i teach you? wahahahaaaa!!! let's hope that i actually get myself started. :)

tea, so she can crochet tablecloth for me?? heheheee... (then i dun need to learn maaahh... but, then again, she'll be busy taking care of her beloved grandson now, hor?