Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ratu Kebaya 2007

The granddaughters of Datok P and Nenek S were all decked out in baju kebaya. The first Kebaya Kasualty was Ain Sofiya who regurgitated her mother's milk onto her white baju kebaya. She fell out of the competition even before it started. The rest lasted long enough for the posse of very enthusiastic photographers (darn! no one took pictures of the overexcited photogs!) to snap, snap and snap away.


irris irris said...

Alamak..i nak tengok gambar athirah & huda! But for some reason, the photos can't load in my comp..selamat hari raya nad! :)

mrs shafei z said...

nih mesti romah bergegar kejap. hahahaa.

mrs shafei z said...

haha...abeh saper menang nih?

nad makhuda said...

irris, try slideshow? and selamat hari raya to you and your family too! :)

norza - pemenang? seri lah. semuanya menang. (ni nak sedapkan hati mak bapak dorang lah.. anak tak heran pun.) and yes! the house shook during the photo-taking session. hahaaa! us amateurs trying to coax our supermodels.. boleh pengsan. in the end, budak nangis sebab kecoh sangat. wahahahaaaa!!

Arlynn Ahmad said...

LOL! I think they are overwhelmed with all the attention and cameras clicking. Ur relatives berjanji to don ur kids in kebaya issit?? Sooooo cute!!!

irris irris said...

hahaaaa!! what a funny ...cute sight!!

nad makhuda said...

arlynnz- first, my sis bought kebaya for her daughters. then the rest of us saw it and decided to get the same for our kiddos! it's so funny to see all these mak neneks waddling all over the house in their kebaya.

irris - bawling kids, exasperated kids.. wahahahaa! and the parents jumping for joy because they managed to get all 5 on camera.

izadnhana Ismail said...


Ana mn said...

Alahai Cik Huda, so sweet in that purple kebaya. How come your handbag is too big for you? Collection sakan nampak?

Ana mn said...

Jambu2 cucu Encik P.

Ana mn said...

Ulat buku betul ya. Baca lah kitab2 dalam cupboard tu.

Ana mn said...

These girls wore their kebayas obediently, don't they? Sarah changed uniform in the evening ;-) Cannot tahan. These girls, I salute!

shooga shooga said...

kenapalah CUTE SANGAT NI????!!!!!!

syarni 97 said...

Nabilah maintain je.. dielah yang menang..hehe

nad makhuda said...

hana - are u gonna steal a sendok soon? wahahaaa!

rohana - did they wear the kebaya throughout the day (and night)? no way! huda only wore the kebaya when we were en route to a house. once we reached our destination, she's stripped down to the sleeveless rompers she's wearing inside. kalau tak, susah member kita nak panjat kerusi meja.

rini - hahaa! you know, if you aim for another set of twins the next time round (make it really soon), you'll get to enjoy all the chaos and when they take photos - omgomgomgomg!! - the cuteness tak boleh angkat!!!!! then again, the damdils have broken way too many hearts oredi.

murni - i never notice sehh!! rupa2nya, si nabilah jugak yang remain cool despite everything!!! and i think, we'll accept your decision sebab you are unbiased kan. oleh itu, nabilah dinobatkan sebagai pemenang & jiji, kau boleh claim kau punya prezen on behalf of anak ko - a night's stay kat bilik ipan

syarni 97 said...

hehe.. "Nabilah e Ratu Kebaya"

shooga shooga said...

ok you've GOTTA be kidding. another set??!! you want my kain to terbobos during visiting??

i am planning for the next one somewhere circa 2008, insya Allah, but before that i will PRAYNONGNONG that i'll be given a singleton the next time round! omak tak bleh angkat noh! :p

nad makhuda said...

rini - wahahaaa!

have you ever watched an episode on the gosselins: - a pair of twins + a set of sextuplets on discovery health channel? oh, yes, sextuplets. tapi, diorang tak payah beraya. so, no issues of kain terbobos. the point is, after your twins, you NEVER know how many you're gonna get. heh heh.

zalin abadi said...

huda so cute!!