Sunday, October 07, 2007

Another Whiny Story

Yes. Yes.

I'm whining again. And I hope this is the last of all whining about weaning.

I must count all the good things that have taken place lately like:

1. Huda slept from 8pm to 6am last night. She could have slept longer but we purposely woke her up so that she could drink some milk so that she would not wake up at 7am when we were dreadfully sleepy.

2. She's sleeping longer and longer through the night and I have so much free time now. In the past, she would wake up about 11pm, asking for (breast)milk and so, my time alone without a little girl hanging on to my hips was very limited.

3. She's eating more now because she knows that she cannot just lift up my T-shirt and get a snack whenever she wants to. 7-11 close liao.

4. I no longer have to watch what I eat, always making sure I have a palm-size portion of fish/chicken/meat, a mountain of rice, vegetables, gallons of water, gallons and gallons of milk and soya bean... If I'm hungry, I don't have to worry that it will affect the quality of my milk. I now eat for me alone and it's such a relief because if I don't feel like eating the proteins, I can easily skip it for the day.

I've weaned her off. (Although occassionally, when I can't stand the engorgement, I let her have some and she'll be grinning away after that. Tomorrow, confirm I need her to have some really fresh milk cos the left side is getting uncomfortably hard after 2 days of "No! No! You cannot have this. You must drink milk from the bottle.")

Hana said, I should quickly produce the next one so that I can continue my breastfeeding career. Yes, soon. After all, that's one of the two reasons why I weaned her off.


And, once, I had to throw away all this milk because there's no way my fridge could store all these. These are the ones that we brought to KK Hospital every evening some 18 months ago. When she was discharged, we brought back about 20 bottles and kept the rest at KK, thinking of bringing them back one day. But, fridge space not enough. So, I had to ask KK to get rid of them. Sad.



Azlifah Afizukil said... u have not Tek-deka!! Alisya is still at it during the nite. I'm still waiting for her to sleep thru e nite.

nad makhuda said...

az - not completely liberated. you've stopped pumping, right? so, alisya's still on partial bm? that's good. how often does she wake up at night? is it comfort sucking. cos huda stopped waking up six times at night when i started being firm about it. BUT, if she wants it, and you dont mind it, just give it to her!

Kai Ling Lim said...

Nad: business idea!!!! Be a wet nurse!!!! Since it's an extinct trade in singapore, maybe you'll revive it!!!

Ana mn said...

Wah so many bottles? I tot it's a picture of some stocks in a supermarket ;-)
Nak jadi ibu susuan? Hai nanti ramai budak laki2 Huda takleh kahwin. Unless, all are girls :-)

nad makhuda said...

kailing - very difficult to be a wet nurse. in islam, if you nurse a child (for more than 5 times and the child is full after each time), the relationship between the two becomes like mother-son/daughter. which means, huda (and siblings) cannot marry the breastfed child because it's like marrying your own sibling. anyway, nursing requires a lot of time. if i become a wet nurse, my butt will expand sooo rapidly cos all i do i just sit down and nurse. :P

rohana - i was a cow during those days. :) just spent my time pumping and pumping and pumping.

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

oooh lookat those jars! funny why i never felt like i have to pump around the clock and produce hundreds of bootles of bm like most of you guys. me & nunu cukup2 makan jer, bak kata org, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang :D

nad makhuda said...

anne - hahahaa! i'm so tickled by how you use 'kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang.'

the nurses and lactation consultant made me pump diligently every 3 hours to establish my milk supply. and it worked, alhamdulillah. but of course, i had the problem of oversupply in the first few weeks of direct latch-on. i ended up expressing to get rid of some of the foremilk before i feed her so that she can get more of the fattening hindmilk.