Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bag of Emotions


It's already the 27th of Ramadan??! Hari Raya is just mere days away???!!!!!!!!!!


What happened to the rest of Ramadan? Where did it go?????

My house is in a mess. We're still supposed to look for a coffee table. Tablecloth - no have! Window grilles yet to be wiped. Oh no no no no noooooooooooooo!!!

Why?? Why on earth do we leave all these things to be done at the very last minute?

At least, in a few hours, a handyman is coming to fix the curtain rods in the rooms. For the past 4 years, we do not have curtains in the bedrooms! Hahahaaaa!!! (Don't ask.)

Okay. So, there's like a gazillion things to do.

And, we want to visit that dear friend of ours who has just given birth! And another dear friend is preggers! Weeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'm so excited! i'm so excited! It's raining babies!

(Okay. Now I can see why things do not get done around here. My train of thoughts always gets derailed.)

Ooohhh.. And if you are into the tearjerker Petronas' Hari Raya commercials, here's this year's. I diligently watch RTM 1 as Hari Raya approaches to catch the commercials. Sob sob.


izadnhana Ismail said...

yati dah pop eh! yey!

and raya is really an impetus for getting our big fat lazy asses off the sofa and do something abt the shipwreck that is our house, lol!

good luck hor, SAHM... :p

nad makhuda said...

yeah! yati popped liao.

there are parts of my house (mainly the windows/window grilles) that i have studiously ignored. and it is time to attack those parts. now. NOW.

(hmmm... what am i still doing here?)

mrs shafei z said...

eh...tuh lah. buat per type2 nih sumer. pi kemas tuh. hehe.