Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today's Entry is Brought to You by the Letter R

It was the English Oral Exam and I was testing some Primary 1 kids.

A boy came to me and I asked for his name. (The story is true but I'm giving him a new name so as to protect his identity.)

"Hanif," he replied, his eyes locked on his feet.

I scanned the class register in front of me looking for a Hanif and found Muhammad Hanif Ikhsan Bin Mohd R; the father's name truncated to fit into a computer system that prefers brevity.

"Are you Muhammad Hanif Ikhsan Bin Mohd R?"

He nodded.

"And what does the R stand for?" I asked, thinking that a casual question like that would put the boy at ease.

He looked up, wondered if this was part of the exam and replied, "R is for rabbit."


tea tea said...

u know wat? tt means he's so ALERT! all ready to answer questions! hahaha! sooo cute!!! u managed to put on a straight face??? i think i'd need to excuse myself to ketawa terbahak bahak first...kekeke

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Muahahahaha! I would have laughed out loud. Tapikan I ever took some kids for O levels orals and my partner blurted out laughing there and then, straight in the boy's face. Terpaksalah I try to cover for my partner and put on a straight face. Oh btw, that partner of mine happens to be from ur batch. :D

nad makhuda said...

tea & lynn - i nearly fell off my chair when i heard the response! i had to bite my lips and control myself really hard. lucky thing i did that cos when i related the story to the boy's form teacher later, i found out that his parents kaki komplen. heng ah.

and who could your partner be?

Familjen Martenson said...

naddy, that boy is so funny ..

nad makhuda said...

nisa - some kids are totally clueless about what they are saying. that boy made my day with his response. :)

Azlifah Afizukil said...

hmm...sungguh remember aku story nie. Pernah lah suatu masa dahulu tu kau cerite kat aku story nie. Aiyah...miss those days lah biler kite steal bone kat staff room...

irris irris said...


I think if you send this in to Reader's Digest, ada harapan dapat $$$

nad makhuda said...

az - yaaaa.. benar tu.. budak tu amat blur. hahaa! apa khabar dia sekarang? dah pandai zip seluar? HAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

irris - i think i should collect all the funny bits of my teaching life and compile it into a book. the kind of stuff you get in comprehension sections are priceless.
Q: Why did the author's mother raise her children single-handedly?
A: She had only one hand.

Q: How do you know that the playground was deserted?
A: It had lots of sand.

irris irris said...

haha, makes teaching a joy, no? :D