Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Should I? Should I? Should I?

I've been revising my Harry Potter by reading the books again. In the past, a lifetime ago, I could easily finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in a day (sleep, eat, poo, pee, bath, social life all sacrificed to do the all-important). Now? I've been reading it from Friday and still have not finished. I can't re-read Half-Blood Prince because my brother, to whom we sent the book when he was still in Egypt cannot find the book now. As I'm anal-retentive, I've got to buy the book so that I have a nice, complete collection. And that reminds me, Prisoner of Azkaban is also missing. I remember lending it to someone (but I can't remember who) and it's still missing.

Anyway, I now have two choices.

1. Order the final instalment and collect it at 7am on Saturday morning and then spend the entire weekend reading it, only ocassionally (I hate this word cos I'm still not sure whether it's double c single s or double s single c so I anyhow spell) lifiting up my shirt to feed Huda (who will be in the good hands of The Husband throughout the weekend)


2. Wait for my sister to finish reading her copy and borrow the book from her but must bear her gloating that she finished reading it first and that she knew who died

Of course, I have other problems like some of the books are paperbacks and some are hard covers. So, all these will affect my collection somewhat. I *am* super-duper anal about these things. Maybe, I should just wait for the boxed set to be released.

I think my insane side which I have successfully (really?) repressed is showing up more regularly now.


Ana mn said...

Hahahahha...I am currently doing my second reading of half-blood prince, just in time for the final book to come. I requested that I personally collect the book on sat. Insane kan?
And I Love the 6th book. Can't wait to read the next one. You better read it as soon as the book is out cuz I'm going to do review aft reading it ;)

nad makhuda said...

No, Rohana, not insane to collect the book on Saturday morning!! I want to do the same too.. although my wake-up time these days is around 9.30. Heheheeeee... (Kau pi keje kul brapa?)

Ana mn said...

This sat i will be working. Can you believe it? 9-5!!!! Some open house which I feel is meaningless. So will be collecting it before i go to work. If late, then after work. Eh, who do u think will die ah?

nad makhuda said...

my sister said (and she's very sure though i hope she's wrong) g***y and n****le will die. for n****le, i can understand lah - it'll make his grandmother so proud if he had died fighting the dark lord. but g***y?? she's harry's love interest and i hope they can get together again when old voldy is dead. (macam aku yang karang buku..)

Ana mn said...

oh, neville has no place in my heart so it's ok. Hope she's right. As long as it's not Ron, Hermione or HARRY, then it's ok. I tot it was Harry since this is the last book and Rowling doesn't want anyone to be her successor. So if Harry's dead, the story will end too, u see. No more hero. No, i don't want Harry to die. NOOOOOOOO.....

nad makhuda said...

but dont get your hopes high, hor? my sis may be *very* wrong.

i suspect it's either harry or voldemort yang mati. or both.

open house on saturday, ah? why dont you volunteer to read aloud the deathly hallows in a classroom? the children and parents can come in and out anytime and you'll just continue reading aloud. kau kan drama. okay kan? just sell the idea to your heads ah. i'm sure they can see the educational value of what you're doing. ;)

Ana mn said...

EH you cannot mention THE name. The death eaters will come after you. Ayoh tak tau.