Thursday, July 19, 2007


I don't normally write often here but I'm having real trouble keeping Harry Potter (what a nondescript so-not-hero name that is) and friends (and foes) out of my head.

After rereading Half-Blood Prince on Wednesday (yes, I bought the book), I told myself that I shall make Thursday and Friday Harry-Potter-free days yet my dreams are still tormented by Dementors. (And I cant help re re reading...)

Tomorrow's only Friday? Gaaaahhh!! I need Saturday to come real quick!!

Unrelated stuff:
a. Notes to self:
1. Practise that half-clutch and next driving lesson, I can only kill the engine a maximum of 2 times
2. Fill in the insurance forms
3. Book a date for the driving test
b. I quite like the Anthologies of Love series. A welcome change from all the reruns and kiddy shows on prime time (Spell Cast, for example).
c. I finally know why Huda babbles in Tamil. My teen neighbour living on the first floor often has conferences with his pals around Huda's bedtime and I suppose, that's the language that makes the most impression on her.
d. Final note to self: Never attempt to cut Huda's hair on my own anymore.


Misdawati Misty said...

ahakz.. same as my hb.. harry potter fan....

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Haha...Huda babbles in Tamil? So cute! Kids are so impressionable....

Familjen Martenson said...

hehehe .. cute nye, Huda nak belanja tamil la .. heheh .. eh, are you a fan of harry potter too? i'm going to make elias queue up for the new book tomorrow .. hehehe ..

izadnhana Ismail said...

im also re-reading the half-blood prince! or at least, attempting to, with what little time there is left before bedtime, sigh. tomorrow going you know!! (to get the new book that is, duh!! arentcha excited??)

Ana mn said...

If only I had the time and 'kaki', I would love to dress in Hogwarts robes and arrive with brooms when collecting the books. I am so into 'Harry Potter' mania. Apakan tidak, watched the movie last weekend, then read HBP and now, the new book is coming. I will definitely take my time to read deathy hallows cuz don't want the fantasy to escape so quickly. And BTW, Rowling said that 2 major characters will die. Major? OH no, please. And the prophecy said that neither will survive. Could it be Harry? Oh Noooooooooo.....MOE, can I apply for transfer to teach at Hogwarts?

nad makhuda said...

watie, your husband too? join the club!!

arlynnz & nisa, yup. her babbling sounds so tamil. and she looks like a chinese boy. how racial harmony is that?

hana, yes yes!!! i going also!! tomorrow early early at 6.45am, me and hasbern and huda still in her shtinky pyjamas will queue up unglamourous ly outside fofular cosway point. i cant wait leh!! i've been excited for almost a week already and it's just killing me. and then i so brilliant, go and read all the reviews of those %^&*#$ americans who got their grubby hands on the book early.. they cant play by the rules, can they? anyway. i planned to sleep early tonight but i just cant cos i'm so excited. (i cant remember being this excited over a book, ever)

rohana, eh, wulens ring got the witch's hats and robes tau!! we ordered them for THAT play a few years ago (u were still there then, werent you?). we can borrow and dress up (if only this were a few years back and kita masih *ahem* muda remaja takde anak..). it would have been such a riot, wouldnt it? but, at exactly 7.02am, i'd be on the way back. and NO, it cant be harry who died!!!!! major could have been loosely defined - those in the Order, the death eaters like bellatrix lestrange or even draco malfoy, or the six who fought the death eaters at ministry of magic. oooooooooohhh!!! i dont think i can sleep tonight!! i'll be trawling the net for all sorts of trivia and hints!!