Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I hate trying to come up with titles for blog entries so from now on, all titles will be completely irrelevant. Today's title is inspired by polite cows that may help in keeping the global temperature in check,

Anyway. My father (of all people) received a pair of tickets to Harry Potter's movie premiere which is happening this evening. I thought of making full use of the tickets with my sister. We have it all planned out:

5.30pm - Leave house
6.30pm - Reach there in time for the light refreshments
7.15pm - A quick trip to Crowne Plaza for Maghrib
7.30pm - Movie starts
9.30pm - Rush back home
10.30pm - Home

But. I can't bear to leave Huda for 5 hours and (me) missing her bedtime, even though The Husband does not mind being the sole caregiver for the night. The main problem is, she only drinks milk straight from the source and refuses the bottle. And, I can't bear the thought of her wailing for her milk from about 9pm onwards. What am I to do? Then again, it may not be too bad an idea as it may result in a successful attempt at reintroducing the bottle to Huda. (Right.) Sigh. What am I to do?

On another note. Third driving lesson earlier and these are points to remember for the next lesson:

1. Don't panic. Everyone's scared of an L-plate and will give the L-plated car a wide berth.
2. The scenery is for passengers. My eyes are supposed to be on
  a) the road ahead
  b) the mirrors
  c) the blind spots
3. Don't wear sandals with thick soles.
4. Keep within my lane when turning!
The instructor has been very kind so far and very patient. But I need to break out of this need to hear him telling me before stepping on the clutch or brake or accelerator or for him to hold the steering wheel steady while I change gear. Am I dangerous or what? If I ever get my license, I'll definitely take a course on how to drive an auto car and hopefully, I'll be good enough for the roads.
Oh. And, my maximum speed so far is 40km/h. If I were to drive at this speed to my grandmother's place in Malacca, goodness knows when I'll ever reach her place! Top that off with my frequent engine stalling... I think, I'll need a good 6-hour lead time before the rest of the convoy sets off.
But that's wishful thinking. Let's see if I can get from my place to my mom's within half an hour. (My mother's place is a $2.50 taxi ride away.)


izadnhana Ismail said...

nad, bawak jer huda masok wayang. i would!! (besides, if she's gonna sleep, she's gonna sleep. lagi2 gelap. lagi2 terkepit bawah ur ketiak and teks within reach. heehee.)

btw, i was piqued by that polite cows thing, saw at yahoo's website kan? :p

Ai Li Tay said...

I think u should go for the movie! When she's hungry enough, she will drink from anywhere...and it saves u the heartache of hearing her wail....

and nad - your title is.... why dun u just number your blogs????

nad makhuda said...

hana, impossible to take her. she's a very light sleeper and definitely not the sort to sit on my lap quietly for 2 hours +. maybe we will just try. take her to a morning show on a weekday morning. at least, if she wants to run around, there wont be many people there. and yup, those polite cows were from yahoo.

aili, i ended up not going because i've abandoned huda too frequentlly at my mom's place - when i have tuition, when i go for driving lessons, when i go for a haircut and when i go to ntuc. besides, after doing a cost-benefit analysis, it'll be cheaper to watch at causeway point than to take a cab back from town. and, numbering my blogs? my maths nowadays not very good lah. i can no longer count properly. huda has fried my brains.

izadnhana Ismail said...

aiyoh woman! where got ABANDON!? it's not like u leave her 12hrs every day on weekdays (like me!) to go to work hokayy!! hmph. :p

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

oh dear, you had the opportunity to have some time off & you blew it because you feel guilty 'abandoning' her with hubby???

and i can't bring myself to bring nunu to the movies, karang sibuk nak 'nen-nen' bising2 ada pulak orang kaypoh & tell her "ehhh baby, shame-shame". pfffttt

izadnhana Ismail said...

anne! if someone has the audacity to say that to you, i suggest you *piak piak* him, with your nursing bra no less!

Aedy H said...

huh??? where's the cows???

Ana mn said...

Nad you have attachment issue, mcm aku :p heheheheee....

nad makhuda said...

hana, oops. heh heh. i just cant do it lah.

anne, it's the fact that it's her bedtime i'm missing and her wails will be too much. although. i have done it before but that was for about 2 hours + only.

hana again, let's join the piak piak with our nursing bras!! no shame about breastfeeding in public, okay?

aedy66, cows went home oredi.

rohana, your attachment issues are valid cos you are separated from sarah for many hours a day? me? aiyoh. i dunno how i'm gonna go back to work next year.