Saturday, June 23, 2007

Can pass or not?


My final theory test is this Wednesday, 27 June and I've barely started studying. I think I'm going to fail lah.

I should have signed up for driving classes the moment I passed my Basic Theory Test but you know me lah - lazy like anything. So, I kept on postponing it. When I realised I absolutely must arrange for an instructor some two weeks ago, Huda had her fever and I felt really bad leaving her at my mom's while I go for a spin (if you can call it that).

Now, I'm just days away from my test and I have no idea how to do a half clutch - oh goodness! - don't get started on how brilliant I am, wanting to learn how to drive a manual instead of an automatic car when such options are available these days.

Die die die!!!

I'll go for the test, nevertheless and between now and Wednesday, if I just tie the book to my head, perhaps, some useful info will filter down through my thick skull.


Kai Ling Lim said...

try the traditional chinese way, burn the book, put it in water and drink it..:)

Elizabeth Choo said...

No no no... you've got to rub the book on ur head.. in the right direction.... if not eveything jumble up!

nad makhuda said...

eh, you two, i found the secret oredi!

it is - sleeping with the book on your head. it works!! :)

nad makhuda said...

eh, you two, i found the secret oredi!

it is - sleeping with the book on your head. it works!! :)

Ai Li Tay said...

Funny la, u all!

Ana mn said...

Oi Cik Kak, go and get it over and done with la. Let me see who'll get the license first, you or julia. She just passed her final theory. She's not staying at home, u know. Get yourself moving. Move it, move it, moooove it!

nad makhuda said...

Oooo Cik Ana, you have no idea how heavy my butts have become in recent times... Anyway, my first driving lesson is tomorrow!! So exciting!!! I intend to take lessons 2x a week (like real, hor) and see lah, if i pass the driving test or not.

tea tea said...

wah so u pass ur final theory la! pheweeeeeeeet! go learn driving go...tapi bila dah pass, kena drive, donch be like me...not good... :P

Ana mn said...

YESSS!!!! 2X a week is good enuf! You go girlllllll!!!!!!!