Monday, July 30, 2007

Z is for Zebra

Sometimes, at unearthly hours of the morning when sleep should have overcome me a long time ago, I find myself tossing and turning in bed thinking of inconsequential stuff. Sigh.

So, today's inconsequential stuff is breastfeeding in baju kurung. Which is very inelegant.

As the baju kurung top is a long dress which reaches your knee and it is really quite ungainly to pull up your baju kurung all the way up to breastfeed your hungry child, I've been wearing the front-buttoning baju kebaya whenever the occasion calls for a traditional outfit. I don't like wearing the baju kebaya  top because too loose, it'll look unflattering and too tight, all my post-natal bulges will be up for scrutiny.

I fell in love with some songket that my sister-in-law ( - go and buy!!)  is selling but I don't fancy turning them into baju kebaya cos I don't intend to breastfeed Huda til she's 8 but the kebaya (barring any more undesirable bulges) will last beyond that.

(My sentences are getting longer and more convoluted the later I go to sleep. This is ridiculous. So I shall now punctuate all my sentences. midway needlessly like so . just so that I. don't get breathless just looking at them.)

So I thought, I shall just turn the songket into baju kurung and unbecoming or not, will just expose my flabby one-pack for all to see when the girl cries for milk? Oh no!

And then came the most super duper brilliant idea that I've ever thought of (next only to my decision to buy a Turbo Tiger) which is to put zippers by the sides so that I can just unzip, twist and feed.

So, my baju kurung for Hari Raya will come with zippers on the sides. Woohooo! Let's hope that the makcik who's going to sew my baju kurung will not throw the songket in my face and tell me to go zip myself up.


syarni 97 said...

hmm..good idea kak ira...

izadnhana Ismail said...

this has been a constant conundrum for me, esp when it was hari raya time! there WAS a website that sold nursing baju kurungs, if u believe it, based in malaysia... cant remember what it's called... oh hold on... lemme check...

tea tea said...

hana, i think ure referring to ?

izadnhana Ismail said...

aahh pandai tea! LOL! i've been searching (unsuccessfully) for the damned email... (btw, are YOU PREGGERS??!?!?!? PM ME CAN?!?!??!!)

anyway, as i was saying, before i got overexcited at tea knowing abt nursing baju kurungs, the designs were limited and the sizes look humongous. ceh. only fat people nurse is it.

ps: i've always said there's a market for nursing baju kurungs and kebayas, if only i COULD sew, i'd bukak kedai myself. as it is, i can hardly mend loose buttons and ripped pants. make that CANNOT. bah. nad, ko byk masa pat rumah, pi belajar jahit boleh tak. ako carikan models and do the marketing... amacam??? :D

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

i prefer wearing baju kurung to kebaya if i intend to bfeed. my kebayas all almost got ripped in front due to the constant tugging & struggling to appease that mem kecik (not to mention last year's accident, my kain kebaya also got ripped, nicely in front, at the crotch area, bleh?)

my solution for next raya's kebaya, put 'ketip' buttons as I'm not so keen on having zippers under my armpits

izadnhana Ismail said...

anne, nx raya: wean nunu liao! heheee... (so bad hor this militant?)

nad makhuda said...

murni - see how, hor? kalau makcik tu roll her eyes all the way back sampai the pupils cannot be seen, i dont think it's a good idea lah.

hana - yes, i went to blessedmums before tapi bukan main tak berkenan lagi dengan the nursing bajukurung.. limited sizes, designs and yes, rather fat-ish looking, hor?

anne, dah berkali2 my butang2 (press stud types) terbukak sebab my little mem pun suka tarik2 dan bergayut macam monyet. sungguh kurang sopan sekali. nasib baik so far, tudung can cover. and worse, sometimes, after i nurse her, i forget to button up. hahahahahaaaaa!!! yes, yes, happened before. lepastu, tudung kene tiup angin.. waaaaaahhh!!! can die of embarrassment. this time round, if i dont zip up, i'm just exposing my airy, hairy armpits only.

hana & anne - actually hor, i wanted to wean huda by this ramadhan. tapi, budak kecik ni refused, absolutely refused the bottle (so much for my breastfeed til 2 goal). so, i must consider nursing bajukurung already lor.

tea - you very well-informed, hor? ;)

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

sabar je lah, bukannye nak bagi semangat lagi! podah :D

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

nad, haaaa, press stud, that's the word im looking for! thnks babe.

no need to wean yet lar... nunu & huda tu samalah, hantu dedek :)

izadnhana Ismail said...

i always thot boys are harder to wean off, but looks like the two posterTekboys, aniq and naufal, left the game earlier than expected! hmm... of course, they would soon gat back into the game, soon as they reach adolescence. hehe.

ps: nad, raya remember to shave.

nad makhuda said...

anne & hana - my hantu dedek couldn't be weaned off because i've stopped bottlefeeding her when i stopped working. malas punya pasal.
now she BITES at the end of almost every feed. then, i'll squeeze her, smack her legs or arms and scold her jialat jialat. but she keeps on doing it. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! it must be because i'm an ineffective disciplinarian or something, she'll have this hint of a grin when i'm scolding her. absolutely disregards my scolding. i so desperately want to wean her off oredi!!!

izadnhana Ismail said...


off to the naughty corner, huda!

eh, how about not allowing her to access the dedeks as punishment after she bites? im sure that'll work...

nad makhuda said...

hana - that's what i did. sakit woiiii... dah kene gigit sekali, bisa dia terasa sampai ke kuku kaki. but, perhaps it was a passing phase (or could my scolding actually have had an effect??? *gasp*) but the biting has stopped for now. whew!!

izadnhana Ismail said...

they usually learn fast lor. hehe! smart girl!