Monday, July 16, 2007


The Husband, siblings and I were playing Pictionary and they knew that I had to draw an animal whenever I laughed like a maniac. My inability to draw is legendary. After many failed attempts and what looked more like charade than Pictionary, someone managed to guess rat. It would have come out sooner or later, considering that they were guessing all animals from aadvark to babirusa to tyrannosaurus rex.

Now, now. What's the point of this entry?

Nope. No point. Just talking about the rodent. And, also making full use of Huda's naptime. Ooops. I'm supposed to iron some clothes.


Ai Li Tay said... got a relevant blog title

Ana mn said...

Huda's napping, mummy not napping ke?

tea tea said...

mana gambar rat tuh? nak tengok! letak ah kat sini...

nad makhuda said...

aili, actually, i wanted to write about something else but then i remembered i got ironing to do (so housewife, hor) so gotta stop.

rohana, sometimes i nap along. but sometimes, i'd rather enjoy my free time than sleep it away.

tea, mmm.. i dont think so lah. i think, i have a responsibility to the public not to put up frightening pictures of animals. keh keh keh.