Saturday, July 21, 2007



Harry Potter's not gay!

And, I also wonder if they ever need to charge their magic wands?

I'm dying to talk about Deathly Hallows but gotta keep my mouth shut until more people have finished reading the book.


Ana mn said...

Finis oredi ah?

Kai Ling Lim said...

I rolled out my red carpet to welcome him this morning... I pre-ordered from sing post and had it sent....
A bit disappointed he didn't die....:P sadist huh?

nad makhuda said...

rohana - yes!!!! nehmind. you dont be sad, okay? you can start reading tonight. :)

kailing - i'm impressed with singpost leh!! my sis ordered hers from singpost also and she received it at around 9. not bad. i got mine at 7.30am from popular. the queue was long! no!! harry cannot die!!! i'm glad that the ending was what it was. i didnt really fuly enjoy lord of the ring cos frodo is just too, umm, gay (am i homophobic or what) first with bilbo baggins then with gandalf. anyway, dont you have something more important to read??????? hehh...

nad makhuda said...

oh, and i'm now rereading it. slowly this time round.

Familjen Martenson said...

alamak .. i haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet .. can't wait to find out what happened.

dianah p said...


huda mesti kene trap dlm die punye kandang kan!

tsk tsk!

mrs shafei z said...

i tried reading HP but i never pass page 10 of the first book. hehehe.

Elizabeth Choo said...

I love the BOOK!!!! Snape's such an underdog!!!!!

tea tea said...

i'm still at it. Cant wait to finish it!

nad makhuda said...

nisa - get elias to buy it quick! spoilers are all over and you'll soon know the ending before even reading it!

danakebajikanmasyarakat - hep. huda baca sama2 tau. and now that the final book is out, what am i going to do for the rest of my life???!!!

norty2 - then, just dive into the seventh book!!!

bird - i heard both you and your sis were armed with a book each? heheee.. i totally understand!! and i knew that it's too simple for snape to be bad through and through. he's actually a sweetie pie, hor?

tea - go slow and savour the book. it's such a good read!!

Ana mn said...

Finis reading! Read my review on my site.