Sunday, August 05, 2007


It's been a month (or two? or three?) since I last uploaded photos here. It's inertia. Which Mr KBW says is the reason why parents do not insure their children. But we're not such inert(?) parents cos we just insured Huda. Anyway, these are random pictures of Huda. Somehow, the parents didn't make the cut this time round. So here's Huda doing some everyday stuff.

And sometimes, the mother is completely irrelevant.


Familjen Martenson said...

huda is sooooo cute!

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Ouch, that looks real painful! Nad, ur lil girl terror jugak eh?

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Hehehe... Never to young to start on Harry Potter, huh?

Elizabeth Choo said...

I am surprised that u even let her touch it!!!!! Or have you already bought another copy;P

Ana mn said...

Another Potterhead? Welcome to the Club!

Ana mn said...

Air mata, air hidung, air liur pon kluar! Asal Huda melalak sampai mcm gini?

izadnhana Ismail said...

hehe i spot two teef!!

tea tea said...

nad, ko sempat pulak tuh amik gambar! for entertainment purposes eh! and can show huda bila dia dah besar nanti...heheh

nad makhuda said...

nisa - thanks!

arlynnz- plucking is nothing. the killer is in her pinch. soooo sakit!

bird - no, i haven't bought new ones. i thought of buying the boxed version when it's available but i think that's a bit crazy of me. anyway, this little girl always takes whatever books, newspapers or magazines i'm reading. does emma do that?

rohana & hana & tea - this is a not-so-recent picture. cant remember why she was crying. but it's not as bad as it looks cos after we snapped the pics, she started grinning through her tears. bedek or what??! those 2 teeth have been joined by 4 more since. her teeth are not that many but her biting powers... oh my poor, poor nippies...