Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Red House

Once upon a time, there lived Papa Red


Mama Red


and cute little Baby Red.


And they lived happily ever after.

The End.


Misdawati Misty said...

oMG.. papa red is so scary! kekke.. wat happen?? oh dear.. but glad u finally lived happily ever after yah.. :p hope ur dotter is ok..

Kai Ling Lim said...

aiyoh.... i think by looking at man's eyes, I feel that I am also getting sore eyes.... look, my eyes are watery now.

nad makhuda said...

watie - donch worry about huda. she is still her normal self except when it's time to apply the eye drops. boleh pengsan. both of us will try our mighty best to pin her down and she'll still struggle violently. or maybe, both her parents are weak old fogeys? huhuhuuu.. really time to exercise liao.

kailing - so now you know what to do to get 3 days worth of MC. just keep on coming to this page and stare at man's eyes. ;)

Maz Asra said...

alamak....dah jadi vampire lak...

Azlifah Afizukil said... soooo way over the red thingy...4 days mc tau !!!

tea tea said...

omygoodnesss!!! khairuman's eyes soooooooooooooooo red ah!!!

take care the family of the reds!!

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

takut sey papa red, mama red macam sayu, but baby red sengih habis!

take care~

Ai Li Tay said...

aiyo...i agree with the queen, see already my eyes also tear...and u still got the mood to take pictures???? alamak!!!
But huda looks really cute in this, nice smile

nad makhuda said...

hey hey everyone,
Mama Red and Baby Red are almost okay now but Papa Red is still, well, red. and yes, Baby Red, will always smile for the camera these days, even in the middle of a crying fit. so, red eyes or not, you can bet that this cheeky girl will always have a smile when the camera's facing her.

Ana mn said...

Teruknya mata Man! Apa dia sudah tengok ni?;) I love Huda's lashes. So lentik!

nad makhuda said...

ana, apa dia dah tengok??? ish ish ish. soalan kau ni mencabar benar. susah nak jawab. ;)

huda punya bulu mata - tiap2 pagi aku kerjekan dengan eyelash curler.

irris irris said...

Aishhh seramnyer gambar2 ni..napa tak pre-warn dulu! I tot it was a story for kids!

Ai Li Tay said...

Even in the middle of crying fit??? Haha. that's quite cheeky huh? Would love to see the cheekiness in action!

nad makhuda said...

irris - wahahaaa!! so, you propped adam in front of the pcto read the story to him, izit? lenkali, i put a rating, okay? ;)

aili - yup!!! there was once when she was at my mom's place and was crying because i wasnt there. my sister started to take pictures and she started smiling and grinning thru her tears. *sigh* i have no idea where she picked up this cheekiness...