Friday, August 10, 2007

E is for Exhausted

Lately, I notice that I have been exhorting people to enjoy their pre-baby lives and in the process, I may have painted such an unsavoury picture of motherhood.


I was about to write a long whiny post about how all pregnant mothers (and all females who intend to be mothers) must absolutely treasure all the free time they have now before the baby comes along.

But, I can't bring myself to do it. Because, when Huda's sleeping (like she is now), she looks like an angel and nowhere near the little Terror who tires me out in five minutes flat. (Maybe I need to exercise more)


I'm still awake cos I read A Thousand Splendid Suns earlier and can't get it out of my head.  It's an excellent read but why can't it let me sleep?


irris irris said...

No lah, don't think you've painted a bad pic of're just sharing your experiences..and they're much appreciated! :)

Moms will know when they get to that it's not as if you're misleading them or anything!

Ana mn said...

You know what I miss the most? The waking-up-late part. The latest I ever woke up was 8.30am, which was far too early before Sarah-time, which was usually 11 am. But it's ok. I am so used to the early mornings now. Anything for Puteri Sarah.
(best kan citer splendid suns? kau cepat2 lah baca citer kite runner. Power giler!)

tea tea said...

can u imagine our mothers doing it - this whole motherhood thing with 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, kids?!??!

there's no ending to it but i guess it's the most fulfilling 'job' ever...and to be able to experience it all is indeed a blessing... :)

* adil & dianah * said...

just read the book too. an excellent read, like kite runner. :)

nad makhuda said...

irris - i hope you son won't be sooooo baik like my daughter lah. cannot leave her alone even for a moment. a few days ago, the husband and i left her in the living room for about 1 minute. when we rushed out to the living room, she was ON the dining table. *pengsan*

rohana - thankfully, i can survive with less sleep but i need some down time in the day. so, on days when she doesn't want to nap, boleh beruban rambut aku handle anak sorang ni.
kite runner - i thought i bought the book but i didnt!!!!! booohooohooooo!!!! aku belek2 buku tu tapi entah camne, sampai cashier, tak terbeli. i only realised it last night when i wanted to read it. (selenge eh?)

tea - our mothers are always and forever the BEST EVER!!!
my poor mother (who will have to resume her full-time babysitting services next year) says that huda is the most active, tak-tahu-duduk-diam baby compared to her 8 children.

i must learn some of my mother's zen-like ways ah. she was always cool, calm and collected despite all our nonsense and noise and attempted murders of each other.

adildianah - yes! yes!! i must buy kite runner really soon!!! i love love love his lyrical style of writing!

irris irris said...

Ok, let me say this cliche... budak dulu lain...budak skarang lainnn...heehhe...nasib kita lah, makhuda....

tea tea said...

i really hope my kid(s) won't be like me!! u know lah my whole sungguh 'chucky' story - pillow and jab story *shudders at my own nottiness*...if not, aku pun tak boleh duk diam seh...nanti kesian seh mak aku, kena go through the whole process when i was little except now it's her grandchild pulak! i'd feel soooo guilty... :S

and the worst thing is, my family's all waiting to see if my child will be like me or not..oh tidaaaaaaaaaaakkk!!

nad makhuda said...

irris - yup. lain dia banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkk sekali. but if you ask yati, she's even more lain. hahahaaa!!

yati - yes! yes!!! aku ingat all your baik baik stories!!! hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! kelakar seram seh..
but, then again, look at you and your sisters. no permanent damage. :)

mrs shafei z said...

tell me about it...i tink i need more exercise and eat healthier too to catch up wif the lil one.
jom exercise samer2. ^___^

nad makhuda said...


heheheee.. every few months, i'll tell myself, 'okay, tomorrow, i'll jog one round at the stadium..' but, tomorrow never comes. one round = 400m, pun tak terlarat. heheheee..

my mother made me buy an exercise vcd after i complained endlessly about my expanding hips but i've only followed it twice (halfway each time) since.

but i'm gonna start exercising one day soon. errrr.. maybe, after hari raya?