Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Cousin's Wedding

We crossed the border over the weekend to see my cousin get married. There's no need to explain the pictures of course which is just as well cos my brain juices have somehow dried up and I can't quite figure out what to write for each picture. It's self explanatory, no? And of course, every trip to KL must, must, must be gastronomically indulgent which explains the trip to that steakhouse. We also discovered that Carl's Jr is now in KL but the outlet at Megamall wasn't open for business yet. Boohooohooo!! We are soooooo going there again soon for Carl's Jr. I love, love, love (halal) food in KL!! Errr... How did something that's supposed to be about Fairul & Halimaton turn into a food-fest? We love, love, love Fairul & Halimaton too. Presenting, Fairul & Halimaton's wedding!


Misdawati Misty said...

wah so swit sey mummy naddy! :p

nad makhuda said...

aiyoh paiseh lah you. make me kembang unnecessarily. ni happy habis sebab anak dah tidur - finally. jadi mak boleh hooray hooray. or so i thought. it was so shortlived. she woke up ten minutes later.

Maz Asra said...

nad...who's the guy in the middle?

nad makhuda said...

you don't recognise him? he has grown - very tall.
that's syakir.

Ana mn said...

Cute nya anak ini. Siapakah gerangan nya?

Ana mn said...

Huda tak sabar nak naik pelamin ke? ;)

Ana mn said...

I think the pelamin tinggi sangat. Nasib baik lah kipas tu tak pancung kepala pengantin lelaki. Which one is ur cousin?

nad makhuda said...

inilah anak abang saya yang paling tua.

nad makhuda said...

ni dua makcik petpotpetpot ambik kesempatan petpotpetpot atas pelamin.

nad makhuda said...

ni bukan kes pelamin tinggi sangat tapi ceiling rendah sangat.

(trust me, suku sakat aku tak ramai yang tinggi lampai. we're mostly hobbits.)