Monday, August 20, 2007

Sweet Seventeen

I was writing a 'progress report' of sorts, about Huda at 17 but I clicked a few wrong buttons (one of which is that X at the corner of the page), and my lengthy report disappeared.

Why am I writing progress reports? Could it be because I heard it's CA week in most schools and I'm not around to enjoy it? Heh.


Azlifah Afizukil said...


Misdawati Misty said...

muahhahahahaa... i tot wat!

irris irris said...

Don't tell me you miss work? Hehe :P

izadnhana Ismail said...

"enjoy" ehhh! :p

tea tea said...

eh really ah u! must relish the remaining mths..tup tup dah kena masuk keje balik then will be the reverse story pulak...heh!

nad makhuda said...

az - :P seronok tak? how many boxes x 30 are u supposed to tick away this term? ke dah computerised sekarang? huhuhuuuuuu...

watie - you thought i turned 17? *flips hair, eh salah, tudung* okay jugak apa.


hana - errr, yes.. all the marking and marking and checking of marks, going through papers etc.. enjoyable habis..

tea - then, i'll be making new plans to take NPL. heh heh heh.

Misdawati Misty said...

eh look..!! tudung senget dah!!


Ana mn said...

Go type that report again. I so much want to know more about Huda.

nad makhuda said...

i started again, you know, just because of you.

but i'm only at the second sentence. kwang kwang kwang.