Monday, August 09, 2010


1. Starhub is showing all channels for free during this long weekend and while channel surfing, I found myself stuck on the Woody Woodpecker show on Cartoon Network. It is so very very different from the Woody Woodpecker I used to catch when I was younger. I don't like the new one. I'm just leaving the cartoon on now so that I can catch the woodpecker pecking at a tree at the end of the show. I hope they still have that at least.

(Eventually I couldn't bear watching this show and changed the channel. How can there be aliens in Woody Woodpecker?!)

2. Two years ago or so, we decided to start hunting for a place much much nearer my mother's. We told ourselves that it is to make it convenient for us when we have to drop the kids off at my mom's when I go back to work. But, honestly, we are just itching for a bigger space and this time, with better ideas on how to do up the flat. A 5-room flat will do just fine. As very ngeow people, we want only specific units in specific blocks. We want an excellent view from all windows and we want it to be on a high floor. And of course, being so particular about everything, we have yet to find our unit.

When we started our search, my sister was not at all interested in moving out of her seaview home. But now, renovations in her new flat is almost complete and she's moving in by next week.

A few weeks after she made an offer for the flat, the 5-room flat next to hers was up for sale. The block is near my mother's house but it wasn't one of our shortlisted blocks. The view from the back is that of other people's kitchens. The view from the front is not that bad. But the owners were asking for an unreasonable amount for the cash-over-valuation component. I refused to budge from the amount which we have agreed upon from the very beginning. And so the flat slipped from our fingers.

Now, it seems like the person who made the offer is having some problems fulfilling his end of the bargain and the flat might be available again.

Well, I'm pretty fatalistic about things sometimes. I believe that if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. So if that flat is meant to be ours, it will be ours with us offering what I think is a reasonable amount of cov. We'll see.

3. I think Wuthering Heights is a terribly depressing story.

And now, on to the kids.

4. HELP! Farah is starting on her Terrible Twos six months too early! She's now very much into wailing and rolling all over the floor whenever something displeases Her Royal Highness. Sometimes I don't even know what Her Royal Highness wants. I'm beginning to think that Her Royal Highness is just doing this rolling-on-the-floor-wailing to expend her energy.

I'm sure someone must have snapped my picture and sent it to STOMP this morning. We were outside NTUC supermarket and my beloved Farah was wailing at the top of her lungs. Obviously I'm not entering the supermarket where her wailings will be amplified so I waited outside while TheHusband made a quick dash through the supermarket.

I can just imagine what the contributor will write on STOMP - Young* (possibly unwed) mother let her baby cry and cry and did absolutely nothing to stop the crying baby.

On a side note, I think I should send her to a gymnastics class where she can roll around as much as she wants. Or perhaps, a popiah-making class.

(*Clarification: I'm not trying to hao lian about my youthful looks. Up close, the fine lines under my eyes and my old aged wrinkly hands will reveal my true age. But from a distance, the sum total of my features make me look younger.)


tea tea said...

i have that sometimes too, "if it's meant to be ours, it'll be ours." after all the sweat and hardwork, time to redha. :)
if u get the flat it'll be great rite, since u'll be near ur sis and can babysit each other's kids too? and near ur mom's too. macam ideal gitu!

farah's practrising her vocal gymnastics and physical gymnastics? can so empathise! sometimes really dunno wat to do..i read b4 tt wen they acted up in public, can try to wipe their faces with water. Take a few drops from their water bottle (if u always carry their water bottles wherever you go) and wipe on their faces to kinda 'break' the tantrum for a while. but it didn't work with hazim. :S

i think with the 30's, the fine lines under the eyes suddenly appear. i've had it for some time. but U have meh???? overall u still look youthful so no worries babe!

nad makhuda said...

yati - i hope we'll get the flat! if we do, we'll own the entire corridor and the kids can make a ruckus there with no neighbours complaining. but if we don't, i suppose there's a very good reason for that.

vocal and physical gymnastics? hahaa! it sure sounds like it. i've never done the water thing. i'm gonna try that the next time she acts up. if at home, i wont bother lah. i'll just let her roll around all over and will only entertain her when she's done acting up. yesterday i took her to the mosque for tarawih prayers. let's just say that the next time i'll take her will be next year. :p

about youthfulness - look at my old old hands. my hands are 40 years old, at best. and i do have lines and i'll have the final say on this because i look at myself in the mirror and i can see my own reflection.