Tuesday, August 03, 2010

May June July '10

Cold Storage Kids' Run 2010

Some of the things we did in the presence of the camera in the last three months. And there were also many things done without the camera present.


tea tea said...

wah glam sey farah! poster toddler!

tea tea said...

cute sey!!! ok per, huda nak jadi ballerina!

tea tea said...

super duper cute!

tea tea said...

u've installed a gate too? farah,"mak, kesiankan farah mak. farah nak tolong mak masak lah."

tea tea said...


nad makhuda said...

glam? far from it. but at least she can say that she once appeared in the papers. :p

nad makhuda said...

i installed a gate since huda's era. did i give you the impression i didn't when i asked you about your gate? i was curious how yours worked.
ni memang macam gambar orang mintak kesiyan eh?

nad makhuda said...

bajunya kurang sopan. ni lah masanya dia boleh pakai baju camni, dah besar sket, jgn mimpi lerr.

she has not expressed any interest in ballet. she's just interested in the tutu skirt. there was once when she woke up and watched the world cup with me. while waiting for it to start, i changed to some other channels and one of them was showing some ballet performance (but the women were not in frilly tutus). another channel showed a tennis match. then the soccer match started so we watched that. she then said she wanted to play soccer. but i suspect if the ballet women were wearing tutus, she would have changed her mind.

tea tea said...

hehe! yes, i had the impression! tapi tak probe pulak..hehe..