Monday, August 09, 2010


I recently renewed my acquaintance with S and Z, a married couple. 

They have been trying for a kid for some seven years without success.

Through the wife, I learnt that they have tried all sorts of procedures but the result is always negative. The most recent negative result they got was just two weeks ago.

I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they go through.

When I bumped into them a few days ago, the kids were with me. Although we were all jokey and smiley, I knew that there's suffering under those smiles. The pain and longing in the eyes of the wife were just too clear when she looked at Huda and Farah.

I can't do anything about their situation. I can't help them.  All I can do is pray that their wish will be granted. But if it's not meant to be, then I pray that they'll both be happy together and that they'll be granted the wisdom to accept that it will just be the both of them forever. Amin.

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