Sunday, August 15, 2010


1. This is Huda's first real attempt at fasting.

On Days 1, 2 and 3, she went to school. Day 1 saw her refraining from food the entire day. But she took one sip of water from her water bottle in school. Still we were extremely proud of her. 6pm, she saw Farah eating and asked for some rice. So, I distracted her with some TV. Ah, yes. It's somewhat justifiable to break the no-TV-rule at 6pm in the month of Ramadan.

She broke her fast the moment I put her rice in front of her, about 30 seconds before Maghrib. :p

On Day 2, I sent her to school without her water bottle. When I picked her up, she was so thirsty. So I gave her a glass of water when we reached home of which she only took a sip.

She was about to throw a tantrum over something but I told her that people who are fasting must refrain from getting angry. She smiled and behaved again.

She ate at Maghrib. This time, I only put her plate of rice in front of her at exactly Maghrib so Day 1's incident won't be repeated.

Day 3, she woke up for sahur as always. It's not so difficut to rouse her at 5am in the morning. The trick is to gently wake her up and promise her her favourite food for now - eggs. :D But at school, she had some porridge for lunch and Milo and biscuits during her teabreak. It's okay, I suppose. She needs an occasional break from fasting. After all, for now, we are just training her. It's not compulsory for her to fast at all.

Day 4, Saturday. It's the weekend. She doesn't go to school on Saturdays and we're afraid that not being meaningfully occupied will make her think of food. But we were in for a big surprise. She was such a trooper! She spent the morning playing with Farah and by 3pm, she took an afternoon nap all the way til 5.30pm. Then, it was time to go to her paternal grandma's house. And by the time we made our way there, it was time to break our fast. That was such an amazing day. She didn't whine one bit!

Day 5. Today. Sunday. We're going to her maternal grandparents' home where she'll meet all her cousins. We'll be there by early afternoon and knowing how they play, I fear that she will over-exert herself and will start asking for water especially when she sees the younger cousins taking huge gulps of water from their bottles. Well, we'll see. I hope she'll be as strong today as she was yesterday. And even if she can't make it, we'll still be proud of her accomplishments so far. :D

2. Well, this next it has nothing to do with the fasting month. But since I'm spending some time writing here, I might as well include a little tidbit about Farah. Farah pronounces the words 'dog' and 'horse' in the funniest way! Both words are said with a very pronounced 'ou' sound ('ou' as in bow and arrow) and her lips would be in a full pout as she says it. Priceless!

Gotta go now. My computer time is up. :p


Ai Li Tay said... old is Huda? Not heart pain to see her fast?
You should record down Farah's full pout!

nad makhuda said...

huda is 4 years and 5 months now. :D it's not so painful to see her fast, actually because she only eats like a horse at dinner time. she pecks at her food during breakfast and lunch. but it was quite painful on the second day when i sent her to school without a water bottle. when i picked her up, she asked for water. but when i gave her a big glass of water, she only had a little sip.

farah's pout? it's difficult getting her in front of the camera these days. the moment i take out the camera, she'll immediately rush to the camera to see the screen behind. kids these days... i think one of these days, i'll look for those old cameras that use a roll of film. let them rush to the camera and see their expressions when they realise there's nothing behind.

tea tea said...

wow! wow! wow! i am so impressed with huda!! well done huda! Really well done! :)

Btw, u impose a strictly no TV-rule eh? best sey, so disciplined. my no tv-rule has long banished. i have eaten quite a lot of my own words on parenting-that-i-should-do but i didn't.

hahah! i like that idea of buying those old cameras! i think the kids will be in for a huge surprise! hehe

nad makhuda said...

huda says thank you, cik yati. on sunday, she broke her fast at noon and then continued fasting til maghrib. lol!

but yesterday and today, she fasted all the way without even a sip of water. :D

my no-tv rule isn't THAT strict. she generally doesnt watch any TV at home but watches tonnes of it when we are in other people's homes. however, i make an exception for sports. so we watched the world cup together. we were in kl when the world cup started and she woke up for some of the matches. but the best part was, say, there were 2 teams playing - one wearing white and the other in dark blue. i'll ask her which team she wanna support. she'll chope the one in yellow - the referee and his assistants. and now we watch YOG's swimming events together (cos it's around the time when i so desperately need to distract her). but then, before YOG started, we watched ketuk2 ramadan (suria, 6.30pm) and now she's such a HUGE fan of sheila rusly. (istighfar...) she's already soooo becok... and now with sheila rusly as her idol.. i cant imagine how much noisier she'll be. :p

tea tea said...

really really impressive for huda to be able to fast the whole day! terrer sey huda!! :)

chope the one in yellow? tt's so interesting! tt shows she's thinking out of the box!!
ahhh..she likes sheila rusly cos' she can relate to her-same character!! hahaha! CUTE SEY huda!!!

nad makhuda said...

and for today's singapore-haiti match, she choped the team in blue. and then she wonders why the men in blue dont even touch the ball.