Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ikan Masak Kicap

This is for my poor sister who's living in some place in Kuala Lumpur. Plenty of good food there but sometimes I think the student budget she's on and a longing for home make her crave for some simple home-made recipe.

And so, this is a very simple Ikan Masak Kicap (Fish in Sweet Soya Sauce) recipe which will definitely work.

The fish can be replaced with eggs or chicken. You can also use beef but the cooking method for beef is slightly different.

Fish - about 3-4 slices. Marinate this with turmeric powder and salt. Fry them. Set aside.
(Nowadays, I like kerisi. I have no idea what that is called in English. The only reason why I can recognise more fish nowadays is due to my mother; it is only now that I find out her marketing schedule and shadow her when she goes marketing.)

Pound together using mortar and pestle:
2 cloves garlic
Ginger - same amount as garlic
2 bird's eye chilli (cili padi)

1 large onion - sliced

100ml kicap manis (sweet soya sauce; NOT light or dark soya sauce and not the Indonesian type of kicap manis either because that's much too thick and sweet for this recipe. I love Habhal's brand of kicap manis.)
100ml water
1/2 tablespoon vinegar

1 red/green chili, sliced

Oil (use the oil from frying the fish)

Note: There is some agar-ation involved here. This is (fortunately for me) one of TheHusband's favourite dishes so I cook this frequently enough to not have to refer to a recipe to make this. You might want to give it a taste after Step 3 below and give it either more kicap manis or vinegar according to your taste. I assure you, it's quite difficult to screw up this dish.

1. Heat oil in a wok.

2. Add pounded ingredients. Then add the onions.

3. Once the onions have become translucent, add the kicap manis, water and vinegar.

4. Add sliced chilli after the mixture has started to boil.

5. Add fish. Turn off the heat.

Voila! Another simple but very delicious dish ready!


tea tea said...

ooooooooohhh..thanks for the recipe!! i will try this!!

nad makhuda said...

but, i'm sure you know more complicated kicap recipes, right? this is such a very very simple recipe that surely you can close your eyes and cook it. i have yet to try your chilli crab. but until now, i still have not learnt how to prepare the crab. i learnt it once some time ago and have forgotten ever since then.

tea tea said...

err i think my prob is i like to try complicated recipes so i've resolved to simplify my life..simple is good! and delicious! so tankiu! and the chilli crab also is another simple recipe..u have to try!!!

tea tea said...

I did this today n mr armf was surprised at how fast i cook. Haha! N it's sedap! Muddy Dan sedap. Tanx for sharing the recipe!

tea tea said...

I mean mudah Dan sedap.. Ada ke muddy. :p

nad makhuda said...

hahaaa! for a while, i was wondering how it could be muddy. i'm glad you liked it. :D