Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Random Thoughts

1. I absolutely hate the people who do not line up at the bus interchange and board the bus before those who queue up do so. It's fine if you don't want to queue, but you cannot expect to be the first to board if you don't queue. They don't put those railings for decorative purposes, y'know?

2. The word 'stanchion' actually has a meaning. The Husband and I saw the word in a bus one day and were stumped by it.

3. I don't like using my Clarins stretchmark oil. It's supposed to help in reducing stretchmarks. Alhamdulillah, so far, there's none. But, it also has a firming effect on the skin. This can be very uncomfortable when I'm feeling bloated and my skin just can't stretch anymore.

4. I'm feeling so bloated but my throat feels parched and dry. I take sips of water which worsens the bloated feeling but doesn't help the parched and dry throat one bit. What am I to do?

5. My nice neighbour, Irene, who has given me a lot of baby stuff just came over to give me two bags of baby clothes. Huda, you'll have plenty to wear! However, this means that I have no excuse to go shopping for baby clothes. Then again, I'm bad at it. I might as well depend on hand-me-downs and wait for Huda to grow up and shop for herself.

6. At 6 months, some of my colleagues just noticed that I'm pregnant. The most classic response was from a male colleague whom-I-shall-not-name-for-fear-of-embarrassing-him. We were having lunch and another colleague asked when I was due. The male colleague almost choked on his meal and this conversation ensued:

AB: You're due when?
Me: April
AB: You mean you're pregnant?
Me: (laughing) Yes, AB, I have to be pregnant to give birth!
AB: (eyes wide open, seemingly unable to comprehend all the facts of the matter) You're married?
Me: (laughing hysterically) Yes! Since 2003!

Somehow, it's very difficult for me to get offended by what people say. I'm saying this because another colleague who was around at that time was trying to soothe me. But, no feathers were ruffled. No soothing was needed.

7. At times, especially when I put on my glasses and am dressed in my loose-fitting long-sleeved T-shirts and trackpants and my no-ironing-needed tudungs, I'll look like a cross between a secondary school student and a maid.

With my bulging tummy, I look no more than a teenager in trouble.

So, when I got pregnant, I'm quite sure that I'm going to get THAT look from strangers.

True enough, a few days ago, a guy at a hawker centre gave me a certain look after staring at my bulging tummy.

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