Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bimbo Rabbit

Imagine a ribbon.

It has two rabbit ears and two tail ends, yes?

Now, I have a pair of shoes which has a ribbon on the front part (of each side).

For the right shoe, the rabbit ears will always get smaller and smaller which means that the tail ends will get longer and longer and touch the floor. I don't like anything other than the soles of my shoes touching the floor. So, often, I have to bend down and pull the rabbit ears so that the tail ends will not touch the floor.

You understand the situation so far? If you don't, you can stop reading now because it will just get more convoluted as I explain further.

For the life of me, I just can't tie ribbons properly. When other people tie ribbons, they'll get it to look so perfect. When I tie ribbons, the rabbit ears will be alternated with the tail ends, ie the two rabbit ears will be diagonally opposite each other and likewise for the tail ends. So, untying the ribbon on my right shoe to tighten it is not an option.

I was waiting for the bus yesterday (which took just about forever to appear) and realised that I had to pull the rabbit ears yet again.

In my sheer boredom, I decided that I should just pull the tail ends and tie the ribbon myself and make sure it's nice and taut.

Immediately after I pulled the tail ends and the ribbon was unravelled, I realised that I cannot tie a ribbon nicely.

The next thought that struck me sealed off the bimbo moment nicely.

I told myself, "Okay, Irah. Don't touch anything. We can always click Undo."

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