Friday, January 20, 2006

But, I'll still update once in a while.
(A while can be anything between 20 seconds to 20 days.)

Huda moves about actively around 10pm and 5am. Some people say that the time when the baby is active in the womb will also be the time when the baby is active when she is born. So, I hope this means that at just about 10pm, Huda will be up for her last feed for the night and at 5am, she'll wake up for her morning feed. That will give me a good 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Heh heh.

One of my friends told me that her sister wanted to name her daughter Huda but was informed by some informed people that Huda is a name that cannot stand alone. It must be preceded by a Nurul or something. I've never heard of such a thing but I asked my informed people, just to be on the safe side. My informed people told me that there is no problem naming the child simply Huda. So, it's still Huda.

Rashida, like The Husband, prefers the name Lutfiah. But, heh, I'm pretty adamant about this. It's Huda, Huda, Huda!

The Husband made a slip yesterday. He said, "You know, when Huda grows up -"

I immediately cut in, "You said Huda? Yayyyyy!!!"

Then, he immediately went back to calling Huda Baby.

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