Monday, January 09, 2006

Dry Mutton Bagged a Pimp

I'm getting sick of having to title each blog entry.

I want to talk about things which are totally unrelated.

1. The Bag I Bought

Lesson for everybody: Never buy something which you have seen for only 30 seconds but have been thinking about for 5 days ever since that 30-second encounter and therefore have been putting the object on a pedestal and thought it more beautiful than what it actually is. That was a very long, convoluted sentence but I am not going to bother trying to make it any clearer. Because I'm eeeeeeeeeeeevil. *thunder and lightning followed by evil laughter*

So, the bag turned out very normal-looking, not the off-white colour I thought it was but I bought it anyway because it was on a 20% discount. Let me tell you how much time I spent on my actual purchase: I stepped into Metro, saw the bag, put it on my shoulder, was approached by a sales staff, told that that was the last piece, didn't mind, went to counter, paid for purchase, went out of Metro. In total, I saw and touched the bag for about 1 and half minutes before I paid for it.

That is how I buy my things. Told ya I'm a lousy shopper.

2. The Pimp

There was a huge mother-of-all pimples on my forehead. It's been there since LAST YEAR. Would you believe such insolence?

It was drying there, high on my forehead, for all to see and ogle at.

One lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon, I was reading the papers and my itchy fingers had nothing better to do so they started to travel up my forehead and fiddled around with my pimple. Before I could stop my fingers, I could feel blood on my hands. Oh yes. My dear Pimp was just half the Pimp it once was. So, I had to flatten it.

Now, I have a red scar in the middle of my forehead. It's really lovely - only that it's at the wrong time. It would have been really apt for this to appear on Deepavali, not the eve of Hari Raya Haji.

3. Mutton

Why do I always feel that mutton is the less healthy alternative and beef is better? Is my thinking based on any sound scientific research? Or is it based on the smell of the sheep?

4. Dryer

I have gone and done it. I got myself a dryer from because I just can't stand the damp smell that clothes dried indoors have. I couldn't get a regular dryer because when stacked on top of the washing machine, it will block off the sunlight into the kitchen (not that I use the kitchen much).

The dryer that I got (which will only come on Wednesday), is portable and foldable. But, it will be a permanent fixture in my living room from December to February (or whenever the rainy season starts and ends). So, there shall be no guests to the house between this period.

Of course, there is a possibility that this purchase is similar to that mistake-of-the-century Turbo Tiger.

Therefore, in consultation with my siblings, we have agreed that should it fail to be as functional as it's supposed to be, I will use it to make kebab and dengdeng. Yum yum.

Okay. That is all that I have to write for now. I'm hungry and I feel like eating Sambal Goreng with Ketupat.

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