Saturday, January 14, 2006


That's my weight. I'm a weight-watcher now.

I have finally gone beyond 45kg. My weight has always fluctuated between 42-44kg. In my first trimester, with all the vomiting and the inability to eat, I lost at least 3kg and was sub-40kg at one point in time. That was a horrid, horrid time. I was always weak and I found food and food smells so revolting. I would cover my nose if I had to walk past food stalls. If I could, I would avoid food stalls altogether. It helped that part of my first trimester fell during the fasting period. So, not eating was not a problem. Most of the time, for sahur, I'd have about 3 tablespoons of rice and when breaking fast, I'd just have a tiny portion of whatever that was available. That was all I could stomach. There were even times when I'd vomit my guts out immediately after eating, which just meant that I'd eaten nothing at all. Well, pregnancy's no bed of roses.

Now that I'm beginning my 24th week, things are a lot better than those first trimester days (which lasted right up to my 18th week). I remember the week after I was hospitalised - I was feeling so restless and listless. I felt like I needed to knock my head against the wall or pound my knees with a hammer. They were really strange thoughts and feelings. Then there were the insecurities I had about myself. *shakes head*

I juts hope that all these weird discomforts (that sounds like such an understatement) would not make a repeat appearance in my next pregnancy.

I intended to write more in this entry but am just too darn lazy to do it. This entry seems to be one long, rambling, pointless story anyway. So, I shall stop here.

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