Monday, February 23, 2009



Just this morning, I was telling The Husband that if Anuar Zain were to have a concert in Singapore again, I will buy the front-row seats the moment the tickets are released.

A few moments ago, my sister called. She heard on the radio that he's having a concert on the 7th of March. 7th of March??! I'm still very, very breastfeeding leh!!!! How to run off to a concert?

Then, the cogs in my brain started whirring real fast. I'll get a room at the Hyatt (where the concert is), beg my kind sister to babysit the 2 kids there, then off to the concert and should Farah cry for milk, I'll just have to disappear for 30 minutes, feed her and come back to my front-row seat. Heheeeee...

Now, I'll check if the front row seats are available. If they are not, then, well.. it's just not meant to be.


nad riz said...

U must be a super fanatic fan of him...LOL...

irris irris said...

That's like in 2 weeks time only...semangat seh! well, good luck.. (if yr mom allows it that is, if she's not big on confinement..)

nad makhuda said...

nadiah - takdelah fanatic sangat.. :p

nani - my parents are not big on this confinement thing lah (whew!) they just feel that the baby shouldnt go out much in the first few months because they are more susceptible to virus and all. and that i must wear slippers at home. other than that, no real confinement.

anyway, i've decided not to go lah. because:
a) no more front-row seats
b) my sister cant babysit
c) i think sound quality wont be the same as the concert at esplanade
d) i cant leave farah just yet

che' puan said...

Ya I think so too.. I wouldn't pay the premium just to listen to him sing at a ballroom.

tea tea said...

ure really biggggggg on a.z!!... hehe..still got cd to swoon to everyday rite?

nad makhuda said...

when i first told my hasben about the concert and its venue, he said, expect it to sound like karaoke kat bawah block time orang kahwen.

what a pity, huh? well, at least, i wont feel so bad about having to miss this one. (macam kisah musang dengan sour grapes gitu..)

nad makhuda said...

cd not the same lor... i want a dvd of his concert at the esplanade.. but, it's not available.. :pouts lips:
by the way, this is so uncharacteristic of me, right? cos i never used to swoon over any artistes..

tea tea said...

actually..yar...heheh...i dun rem u swooning over any particular artiste... maybe, except if i rem correctly, u like cranberries v much... oh's like berzaman lor!! hahaha!

Lindah Taib said...

nads, congrats on farah's arrival. sorry lambat. been busy at school... enjoy maternity leave!

nad makhuda said...

yati - cranberries. goodness! that was a billion years ago, wasnt it? tu pun tak kemaruk macam ni.. hahaa! now that you have made me remember stuff from years ago, i remember liking kitaro and yanni too. but still, not kemaruk like this.

lindah - thanks v much! i know how mad it must be in school in the last few weeks of the term. take care and i'm sure u're looking forward to the holidays!