Saturday, February 14, 2009

And She's Out!

This is extremely long. I am typing out everything I remember so that years from now, I will know exactly what happened on 9 February 2009. It is extremely long. It is not exciting. It will make you sleep. (And Liza, it wont make you cry.)


On 9th February, after school, I went to KK for my 37th week check-up. I was still, of course, hoping for a natural delivery but knew that a Caesarian section may just have to be performed.

When I got there, I did the normal routine tests but the blood pressure machine couldn't read my blood pressure because it was a bit on the low side. Low blood pressure was pretty much the norm throughout this pregnancy but since it did not cause blackouts or fainting spells, it was not a cause for alarm. While waiting for the CTG test to be performed, I was called into the doctor's room first. So I went in and she asked how things were. I told her about my vomiting/diarrhoea episode that happened a few days earlier. Other than that, things were okay. She asked about foetal movement and I admitted that I did not feel much movements for the past two days and only about one or two weak kicks that day. I suppose that was normal too considering that there's not much space in the womb for the baby to move around.

But, the gynae immediately told me that that could be worrying. She's concerned about, among other things, the umbilical cord being entangled around the baby's neck. So, she said, "Like that, we must deliver her soon, ah?"

And I asked, "Err, how soon?"

I think she didn't hear me because she then gathered some forms and started to furiously fill in the forms and told me to get the CTG done and then come back to see her. I was aware that soon could mean that very afternoon but I was really, really hoping that soon meant late in the week so that I would have more time to prepare Huda, hand over everything at work properly and go for my final brazilian (I don''t want the nurses to shave me).

I called The Husband and told him that I might have to deliver that very day and he was completely unprepared. He had tonnes of work to finish that day and was already planning to come back late.

I went for the CTG and went back to the doctor's office. I asked her again what soon meant. The answer? "Today. As soon as the Operating Theatres are ready."


Reality sank in. As she prepared the drip, I quickly sent text messages to The Husband and my HOD in school. That was around 4.30pm. The Husband would finish off his work, zoom home to pick up the hospital bag and other stuff, to my mom's to say hi and bye to Huda plus pick up more stuff and finally to to the hospital.

Meanwhile, I was wheeled to my room and changed into the operation gown. Lovely white and bright pink, it was. I was informed that they were waiting for one of the Operation Theatres to be free and when I asked for an estimate, the nurse told me that it would be in about half an hour or so. Time: 6pm. The Husband was not there yet.

6.30pm. A nurse came to take me to the OT. Husband still not there yet. I called him and told him that I would see him after I deliver. I had to say goodbye to my contact lenses. Blind as a bat, I walked with the nurse to the Operating Theatre and waited at the Patients-Only-Waiting-Area. Sigh. Patients Only. No hope of seeing The Husband before the operation. The anaesthetist came and asked me some questions. Suddenly, the doors swung open and The Husband appeared. He made it. The anaesthetist told us it was a very, very busy day at the OT because so many people opted to do their elective C-section on that day. Lucky date, she presumed. Before I knew it, I was whisked to Operating Theatre 5 and for the seven millionth time, I was asked my name and my IC number.

The nurses started preparing me for the operation and I started shivering uncontrollably. That happened when I had Huda too. I actually had the audacity to ask for the thermostat to be increased then. But of course, they couldn't as the place had to be kept as cool as possible to minimise bacteria growth and other similarly unsavoury stuff.

I like the anaesthetist whose name I didn't know. All I know is she sounded like a Filipino. She has this dry sense of humour about her and was motherly and comforting without intending to be so. She first sent a jab up my spine to numb the area so that they could put in the epidural + anaesthetic. At that point in time, I wondered why I put myself through that and I was quite sure that this #2 will be the last one. (Apparently, 99% of women said that at various points of the birthing process but that didn't stop the world's population from increasing.)

The doctors then started pinching my legs to find out if I could feel anything. I could still wriggle my toes and lift my legs. I was so worried that I would need more than a local anaesthesia for this one - which was the case for my sister's third c-section cos she could feel the doctors pinching her tummy. But, soon, my legs were as heavy as lead.

I soon felt tugging in my lower abdomen and knew they have already cut me up. One of the doctors actually knelt on the operating table and I saw her trying her mighty best to pull something out. At that point, I was so grateful for anaesthetic.

Then, I heard a cry. Farah was out. Somebody then showed Farah to me. And in my semi-blind state, all I saw were 4 limbs and a head attached to a body. Good enough.

After that, it was the long wait. I waited for the gynae to stitch me up. Then I waited in the recovery room for my senses to come back. All the time, I was comparing what I was experiencing at that point with what I experienced some 3 years ago. Then, I had absolutely no sense of time, being woken up in the middle of the night to have the operation done. But, this time round, I knew exactly what time it was because I kept asking the nurse. I have no idea why that was important to me.

One thing that I kept on thinking about when I was lying down in the recovery area was that I had to get better really fast (a) because I need to start breastfeeding Farah and (b) because Huda needs her mommy. I willed my legs to move and for my body to get rid of the anesthesia soonest.

By 9.25pm, I was wheeled out of the recovery room and The Husband was outside waiting for me. He told me about Farah but just like what it was 3 years ago, my mind was very hazy and I did not register much of what he was telling me.

10pm. Farah was sent to me. I finally had a chance to hold her. I could hold her and feed her. And fed her I did.


Maz Asra said...

Congrats!!!! Farah's a nice name..I like it...

elyana . said...

Congrets Nad. I'm sure you can go thro it again in 3 yrs time :).

mrs shafei z said...

congrats congrats...I supposed she did put some lipstick before cming out. sempat! hehe.

su s said...

assalamualaikum....she's simply gorgeous! Yelah...skrg konon2 serik eh.
You take care dear,,,will definitely make time to visit you when I'm in town.

izadnhana Ismail said...

congrats, nad!! and to the rest of your family. alhamdulillah. keep us updated! :)))

Ai Li Tay said...

Heee....she has such pinky lips! Congrats!

tea tea said...

this is not very long la...hehe..glad, all went well! and congratz again!!! enjoy bfg!!! now my turn to say..... i miss brfg!!!!

irris irris said...

I enjoyed reading this entry!

Seems to me that you've got things under control (such as knowledge of the time, hehe) although Farah's birth was almost unplanned for the day, well done ;)

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Alhamdulillah! Congrats, Nad! Farah is such a cutie pie! May you have a speedy recovery, Insya Allah. :D

Liza Ali said...

Eh kalau tak pasal ni kat sch, aku nangis jugak eh. So sebak hati aku.

I hate the fact that eyewear must be removed. That time I insisted that the anaesthetist hold on to my specs so I can see my baby as soon as he's out. So I actually got to see him.

Apasal sampai panjat2 kat meja operation???

Ana mn said...

Oh she's one hot babe! Check out her full lips ;-) Angelina jolie pon kalah ...hehhehehe
Congrats babe. Will see you soon! Most prob the March hols ;-)
Enjoy your leave from work and your time with the two precious darlings ;-)

nad makhuda said...

thanks! you can name your daughter farah should your #2 be a girl. :) irfan & farah. nice!

nad makhuda said...

u think? in 3 years, i'll be too old lah.. anyway, i'm very pleased with 2 girls. :)

nad makhuda said...

yeah.. she had such red lips for the first 2 days or so.. maybe because in the final weeks of my pregnancy, i was finally interested in a bit of make-up.. i must have swallowed some lipstick. :D

nad makhuda said...

waalaikumussalam wr wb. when are you coming back? we'll have a gathering when you come back, yes?

nad makhuda said...

thanks! there'll be more entries coming up soon. :)

nad makhuda said...

those reddish-pinky lips have somehow turned more dark purple these days.. which is your favourite colour and huda's too.. :P

nad makhuda said...

u miss brfg? not the early days, i'm sure, when it's all abt being engorged and leaky leaky leaky milk..

BUT, i will definitely start enjoying it in a few months when the supply has stabilised and i dont have to change the bpads every 3 hours.

nad makhuda said...

that must be it.. the control freak in me just wanted a semblance of control in the birth process (never mind if the control i have is only in the knowledge of time..)

nad makhuda said...

i need that speedy recovery soonest! i thought i could do away with the painkillers so like a wannabe-heroine, i stopped taking it completely and 2 days later, i felt a sharp pain shooting up my leg when i got out of bed. since then, i've learnt my lesson and am cutting down the painkillers gradually.

nad makhuda said...

ahh.. kau punya hati masih lembut lagi sebab kau baru bersalin jugak apa..

i didnt realise the anaesthetist can hold on to our glasses leh. aiyaaahhh..

and panjat meja operation tu - i also dunno why. but the doctor was pulling something lah. a few days ago i wanted to know what exactly happened on the other side of the curtain when a c-section is done so i searched for videos on csection but after i saw the doctors make the first cut, i dont dare to continue watching. it's just so gruesome. so, i will never know why the doctor was climbing up the table.

nad makhuda said...

yes yes!! we'll arrange something in march? i'm free everyday this time round!! woohoooo!!! (tak macam last year.. satu hari aje free...)

Liza Ali said...

The doctor tu, umean KT Tan? Oh sungguh tak glamour nye si dia tu panjat table. You ask lah nti masa post natal check up. Sebenarnya aku yg kay poh nak tau :)

nur azean said...

Dear Nad, congrats on ur babe, she's a beauty, dat day when u called me i was very sangka nk branak dat day jugak, baru bual2 :) You went thru ur share having jitters when i think of me being cut up again esp when my gynae told me about the increase risk of subsequent caesar. And I also remember three years ago i told my hubby, okay we stop at two i dont to go thru the pain but guess i forgot the pain n mayb gatal hehehehe take care, enjoy farah n of coz huda, jgn lupa makan jeli gamat :)