Monday, February 09, 2009

Week 37

And so here I am, at KK hospital, waiting for the time to be wheeled to the operating theatre.

Do make plenty of prayers that Farah and I will be fine. Amin.


syarni 97 said...

Insya Allah.. Sume selamat..

House of Scarfs & Brooches *** said...

insya'allah, smoga smuanya selamat.

Suraya Samat said...


Lindah Taib said...


tea tea said...

congratz to u!

su s said...

Wil pray for ur speedy recovery...can't wait to see farah's pictures. Take care dear :)

nad makhuda said...

alhamdulillah. everything went well. more updates as soon as i'm less, errr, engorged.

Suraya Samat said...
