Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Week 36...

... and still pregnant!! Woooooohooooooooooooooooo!!!

Farah has been growing very rapidly! She's now a respectable 2.3kg and is now on the 25th centile. Yayyyy! I no longer have to consider downgrading. Yipppeeeeee!!! (I was whining to The Husband last week about staying in the sea-class ward where evil nurses lurk and make me feel like crying...)

Now that she's okay, I no longer have to go for weekly scans. I just have to see my gynae weekly. I have not chosen a date for the C-sect because I still want to try for normal delivery. Let's hope that that's possible. But, I think by W38 if there's no sign of labour, I will schedule a C-section. In the meantime, I'll continue going to work and walk and walk and walk and walk to induce labour.

I'm hoping for the birth to only happen from next week onwards so that my maternity leave will end only in the first week of the June holidays. Heh.


An hour ago, I felt terribly breathless. I was telling The Husband to look out for bluish lips and nails and started googling for step-by-step CPR. Then, I realised that my pants were rather tight and when I changed to more comfortable bottoms, I felt so free and could breathe easily. Alarmist + Bimbo = Me.

Other than that, it's the same-ol-same-ol pregnancy discomforts. Always feeling hot and uncomfortable. Muscle cramps. Backaches. Breathlessness (but not as bad as when I'm wearing tight pants). Baby headbutting my bladder and kicking my ribcage. And lately, sensitive skin! Gaaaaahhhh!!!! My legs and arms itch like mad these days. And the pimples that have not popped out ever since this little bub appeared are slowly making a reappearance. I have a cluster of FIVE pimples on my chin.

Okie dokie. That's all for now. Toodles!



irris irris said...

U're still wearing tight pants at 36 weeks?!! U're so daring, lah!

Good to know baby's doing fine! 2.3 kg is good, hope she keeps going...:)

I gave birth at 37 weeks...hehehe...so who knows.... the time is near...

Lindah Taib said...

that-s good news! alhamdullillah.

Ai Li Tay said...

Tight pants...hehehe....funny le you

tea tea said...

yey!!! glad to know farah's now 2.3kg......alhamdulillah! can't wait to visit when u pop! like finally..i mean i hope we'll finally be fated to meet up when u pop la.. :P .i gave birth in my 39weeks but signs showed since 37 weeks... so walk some more walk walk walk!!! :)

nad makhuda said...

nani & aili - the pants are not tight. it's just the waistband. although i pushed the waistband below the baby bump, it must have found a way to suffocate me. :P then again, at this stage, with the 14kg that i've gained so far, any non-maternity pants are tight especially around the, ermmm... hips area.. euw. what a mental image.

lindah - yes yes! great news indeed!

tea - yes yes. we better meet up then. so, i guess i still have some 2 weeks plus before i pop? the gynae did say the labour will take a long time coming if i opt not for a c-sect.