Saturday, March 07, 2009


1. I am back at home.

I should have called one of those part-time cleaners to clean the house before our homecoming 'cos I spent the first 2 hours at home vacuuming and mopping and wiping. The house was just sooo dusty what with the lift upgrading project that somehow has not seen much progress since I last saw it one month ago. Now I'm having back pains. Lovely.

2. Today, we saw an ad for a flat in the area we've been looking for and for the first time since our search began, both of us like the unit we saw. Should we get it? We would have to go into debt all over again to service the loan for the house. We would have to take a bank loan. However, the loan amount that we need is not too big so will banks bother to lend a small amount to us? Is it better to be cash-rich or asset-rich (especially if the asset is your home meant for you to die in and not an investment piece)?

3. I was planning to start on the girls' room this week - looking for contractors for the wardrobe, think about the furniture and perhaps a coat of paint. But with this latest development, the plan is shelved again. If we get the flat (and we may very well know about it by the end of this week), I shall just get a cheap cheap chest of drawers for the girls' clothes as a stop-gap measure. If we don't get the flat, the girls will get their room by end of next month.

4. Not related to the topic at all - how do you make your children sleep? I find myself having to scold Huda to make her sleep. She would prefer to talk (to herself if I refuse to entertain her) or play with whatever she could get her hands on or pretend to need to drink water etc when she's supposed to sleep. The Husband is normally the one on Sleep Duty but occasionally, I have to make her sleep if The Husband is busy with something else. I really dread this because no matter how pleasantly I start it off, I will end up barking at her and scolding her. I'm quite sure that I don't have the tenacity to do the supernanny thing.

5. Farah. She has some phlegm problems, all thanks to the generosity of her older sister. But, she's way too young to be put on medication so I can only hope that there's something magical in breastmilk that will drive the phlegm away. And I need something to boost Huda's immunity. She's getting phlegmy coughs way too frequently. It has something to do with her going to school, I know. Small kids who just start school tend to fall ill frequently but she also is more susceptible than most other kids because of her prematurity. Are there any effective supplements which are delicious, taste like sweets, highly appealing to kids and, most importantly, can boost a child's immunity?

6. It's now 11pm and I am so sleepy. I missed breastfeeding when I stopped doing so but now that I've started again, I wonder what I missed. The interrupted nights? The engorged breasts? The blocked ducts? The $%&# pain from the blocked ducts? The leaky milk?

Sigh. I must remind myself that this is the best food for Farah and I should be so grateful that I have some milk to offer my daughter.



Liza Ali said...

Nutrilite chewable multivitamins for children is good. But must buy from Amway distributor. Wanted to get one but I wasnt able to contact my fren fast enough. So i bought Centrum for Irfan.

Ana mn said...

Home loan...hmmm...almost every one takes up home loan...we're in Singapore babe. If it's a house that you like and u wanna live in it for good and it's way better than the one you are living in now, then don't stop. Go for it!

Sarah used to get coughs like that that we went to A&E KK a couple of times last year. Doctor said that the environment (school la, where else) was the cause and she needed about a year to stabilise.
Doc also advised me no chocolates, nuts and cold water for Sarah.

nad makhuda said...

liza - aiyaaahhh... must buy from amway distributor hah? a bit jialat lor. centrum from where? i am not one of those people who take supplements so all these things are not very familiar to me.

rohana - we try to avoid whatever loans so that if any of us loses our job, at least, we wont be saddled with debts.

anyway, the doc says it'll take one year to stabilise? haiyooohhh... i am sooo uncomfortable giving huda ventolin puff every morning. because her lung is still phlegmy although not that bad. no chocolates for huda? if only i can shield her eyes from the chocolates in the house.. (well, i can stop buying chocolates but what will i eat as my comfort food?? susah.. susah..)

tea tea said...

nad, centrum boleh beli dari spree...errm cheaper than retail outlets here!

how do i make hazim sleep? i'll just buat bodo him. he'll do everything and anything including entertaining me so that i'll play with him or he'll cry and throw tantrums but i'll just be a 'log'. he'll tire himself out eventually and will tido himself... :P of cos' this whole process can take as long as 1 and 1/2 hr close to 2 hr.. bapak dia tak boleh tahan so i'm given this task. :P

bfg - errmm the bonding? :)

nad makhuda said...

liza and yati - my brother said, centrum tak halal.

this is what my brother said: "Centrum is imported from the US right? I personally emailed them some years ago, and asked them about its ingredients, stating religious concerns. The rep replied saying that it's not Kosher (she assumed I'm Jewish).

But, same thing. Not Kosher = not Halal. With the range of miltivits out there, better get them something else. Why not take one of those organic ones?

Disclaimer: This was a few years ago. But I really doubt they changed their ingredients."

yati - same same! but 2 hours just lying down can be really tiring!