Friday, March 13, 2009

Cleaning Up Mish Mash

1. We didn't get that flat. So now I'm looking for carpenters for the girls' wardrobe. Recommendations, anyone? Must be cheap and good.

2. I have also been cleaning out our third bedroom which is, honestly, our huge store room. And I have now banned myself from buying books, toys and clothes (for the girls). I finally managed to squeeze all the books into the bookshelf when I turned around and saw one stack of books. So, I stacked and squeezed the books in the shelf again. Just as I was admiring my organisational skills, I saw another stack of books which escaped the first two rounds of shelving! How on earth did I manage to amass so many books? And where do they come from?

There's absolutely no space for kids' books anymore. No space for assessment books also (not for the girls to do but they were useful when I was working and I keep them because they may be useful when I do some moonlighting later in the year). And in the adults' section, there's only enough space for maybe one or two more novels. 

I wrote the above on 13 March and saved it for updating later but never got round to it.

3. Farah was so well-behaved in her early days. In those first few weeks, I fed her, put her in the cot, fed her, back to cot. It was so easy taking care of her that I actually felt guilty because I was so free. She still is all good now. Except that she wants to be carried all the time. All. The. Time. That's why my pet Hufafa in Pet Society (in Facebook, if you are wondering what Pet Society is - no relation to Pet Semetery) has been neglected. I'm busy carrying my little pet. I should put up her photos soon.

4. The lift at my mom's place is ready and I had loads of fun going up and down the lift. (Yes, I'm deprived.) I'm making lots of plans for the day when the lift here is finally up and running. Like, I will use the stroller to send Huda to school because I plan to walk there and back and that will be my daily exercise. (HAHAHAAA!) I'm just saying that because the lift is not ready yet. I'll be singing a different tune when it's ready, I'm sure.

5. I think Huda looks like an ah lian in this photo. But she's a cute lian.

6. It's a super-duper humid day today and I am melting.

7. Edward Cullen is soooooo good looking (even though I really hate the Twilight movie - where do I even begin?).

8. My search for professional-sofa-cleaner-people has ended. Two different companies have told me that the spots on my sofa are meant to stay there forever. Those are things which occur naturally in leather and nothing can remove them. Nothing. My heart sank all the way to the ground floor when I heard that. Whey did I insist on buying a white sofa?! (Oh, I remember - so that lizards can't camouflage their shit on it.) So now I'm looking for nice throws to use over the sofa. Anyone seen any nice ones? 


Ai Li Tay said...

Thanks for the update. And, I HAVEN"T visited you yet!!! How bad is that? Post some pics!

Kai Ling Lim said...

get from bkk..... what colour u want?

tea tea said...

oh yes, i am having this hugeeeeeeeee crush on pattison aka e. cullen! hah! n yes twilight movie is a disappointment to me too...the book is a whole lot better! but i still love edward cullen...n r pattison.

n yes more of farah's photos plssssssssssssss....

we did our built-in cabinet in hazim's room and built-in study desk cum shelves in the 3rd room w a freelance carpenter. we'd say they are good and cheap. but good and cheap is subjective. still want their contact?

huda's really v i dun know who she looks like..she kinda look like u too..

Lindah Taib said...

nad... r u taking NPL?

Eity Norhyezah said...

Nad, u want to walk from ur place to the school!! Jauh kan?! I walk from my place and to me, it's already far.

nad makhuda said...

aili - no worries at all!! despite having moved back to my place, i still find myself at my parents at least 3-4 times a week. i cant imagine what the frequency will be like should i get a flat in their block. hahaa!

kailing - thanks! colours? i dont mind any colours because, as you know, my house is as pale as edward cullen's face.

tea - i so cannot-tahan how slow the film was and that they shimmer in sunlight. shimmer? so ridiculous. and why must the vampires all be so couple-couple?? merepek seh. but edward cullen very cute lor. that is undoubtable. if not for him, the movie would be a complete failure. who's r pattison? is he jacob, the werewolf? he's cute too.

freelance carpenter? yes, yes, i want the contact details. thanks!

who does huda look like? aiyahhh.. some people say she looks more like me now. some others say she's more like her dad. dunno also lah. but farah sometimes looks like huda. sometimes only.

lindah - yup. til the end of 2010. many reasons why. the nobler reasons are to aid breastfeeding (i hope to be able to breastfeed til october/november 2010), to see thru her early years on my own... and of course, there are less-than-noble reasons. hahaa!

eity - perasan only lah. maybe, in one month, i'll walk there once. maybe halfway, i'll hail a cab. (my definition for halfway can be the distance from my flat to the road beside my block)

Lindah Taib said...

wah... bestnyer... tak boring ke NPL lama-lama?

Eity Norhyezah said...

Hahahaha....ok.. Eh I also want the details of the carpenter can??

Ana mn said...

Nad, Rob Pattinson is Edward Cullen! He plays Cedric in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Cho Chang's boyfriend who was killed by Voldemort. He was unnoticable back then and look at him now!!!!!! He's yummy-looking right?! Welcome to the club! heheheheheheh

About the throw-over, go to Ikea. It has plenty and quite nice. I'll get you one when I visit you (sorry didn't get to visit you in March. To get everybody is not easy ;-()

And Huda, she's all grown-up now. How's having two kids? I scared la.

nad makhuda said...

lindah - of course i'll be bored to tears. when i was on npl in 07, i just couldnt wait to go back to work! but when i was back at work, i wished i had extended my npl. must find ways to alleviate boredom. especially because i dont allow myself to watch tv when the little ones are around.

but i intend to get my license (again) this npl. and i have some targets to achieve - like, cook. that should keep me occupied.

eity - okay. will share with you. why do you need the carpenter? have you found a place? (yati - faster faster sms me your carpernter details.)

rohana - OOOOOOOoooohh... baru aku tahu. so rob pattison *IS* edward cullen. hahahaaa!! he's really hawt as edward cullen. nehmind.

really, people, dont worry about not seeing me sooner. hopefully, by the time you see me, i would have lost the extra layers of blubber on my tummy and thighs and butts.. (but looking at the mountain of rice i eat daily, it's not about to happen anytime soon)

having 2 kids - well, it's not that tough. (cakap macam real ajeee..) but i do wish i had farah much earlier so that the age gap is much closer. it's back to waking up at night for night feeds and changing a million stinky diapers daily and wondering why the little kiddo refuses to sleep when you've done everything for her comfort oredi.. well actually, it's still early days yet so i'm not able to paint an accurate picture of life with 2 kids. will tell you more as the days go by.

Kai Ling Lim said...

alamak... only saw your msg now... just got back from chatucak... will look ard tomorrow to check out for you....

nad makhuda said...

kailing - alamak.. dont go out of your way to get it. if you find it, good. if not, never mind. thanks. :)