Thursday, April 02, 2009

Farah at 7 weeks


Farah's almost 2 months now.

She is gaining weight very well, 1.7kg has been added to her since birth. She's now slightly more than 4kg. Yipppeee!! Last week, she had an appointment with the doctor who saw her at birth and she passed everything with flying colours. (What does that mean - flying colours?)

She drinks lots of milk very frequently in the day, especially in the afternoon, all the way to about 10pm. I try to space out the milking session to at least 1.5hours apart. At night, she sleeps longer between feeds. There were 2 nights when she allowed me 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. But, there's only been two of such nights. Normally, she would give me 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night before crying for milk again.

I think she's able to distinguish between night and day because in the day, she sleeps in the playpen placed in the living room and at night, she sleeps in the cot in our bedroom. Or perhaps, the cot is a lot more comfortable than the playpen. In any case, the arrangement works out fine.

Her poo is mustard-yellow and unlike Huda's which looked more like pellets, hers is of the stringy variety. Hahaa! Is that a lot of information? I'm typing everything I could recall because my memory's been even lousier of late.

On some days, she looks a lot like Huda but at other times, she's her own person. She likes to be held upright and then she'll look up at me with the most nonchalant expression on her face. Which makes me want to bite her cheeks cos she seems to be saying - I'm too cute and even when I look so dao, you still can't resist me.

But of course, I can resist her when she cries. Heh. Cos, there are days when she just wants to show who's boss and demands to be carried every ten minutes or so. When there are many people around, I'll let her think she can boss us around and will pick her up. (Well, not me, normally. It will be all the other people whom she has managed to hoodwink.) But when it's just the both of us, she knows that I'm da boss and she better not cry.

We have not done anything about the Baby Bonus the good government will give us as soon as we hand in the forms. That's the problem - the forms. Ordinarily, I enjoy filling in forms and surveys and contests etc... but each time I look at the thick envelope, I just feel a strong urge to procrastinate a bit longer. (I've also been procrastinating a lot of things - going back to my workplace to clear my table, calling up KK and the polyclinic to make and change appointments, updating my multiply, posting Farah's photos and other similar non-routine stuff.)


Farah at 2 weeks with a head full of hair and cousins, Farouq and Haziq.


"Why is Kakak Huda always in the picture?"  - Farah, 7 weeks old, no hair



syarni 97 said...

ala cute nyee.. bulat mate die.. mcm da lama gitu tak jumpe..
Hehe yang gambar budak yg kat tgh2 tu sape eh? cam kenal gitu..

nad makhuda said...

hahaaa... yang kat tengah2 tu ialah farah punya ambition. dia nak jadi bombom macam farouq. ;)

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

hey nad, i totally missed the birth of farah and other stories! tu lah dia, duduk dlm gua hira' lagi, muahahaha, glad everything went fine. congrats yeah! love farah's selamba face

Ana mn said...

Farah mcm cina sey....ini lah mak bapak putih melepak....heheheheheheh
She's tembam too, can't wait to see her and carry her.
Has Huda been a good sister to Farah? Any sibling rivalry?

nad makhuda said...

anne - dah keluar dari gua? welcome back to the world! hahaa!

rohana - no leh. farah's features may look a bit chinese - especially her eyes. but she's a lot darker than huda. pictures were taken with my phone which tends to make everything seem brighter and lighter.

has huda been a good sister? sometimes. for whatever reasons, she squeezed farah's stomach twice this afternoon. looked like malice was involved but i try not to harp on these episodes too much in her presence. then, she also tried to sit on farah's head when i was breastfeeding farah. but, she is kind at times. like she would rock farah gently in her rocker when i asked her to. and she would also help me get farah's things. she also loves to help me bathe farah - which i pretend to appreciate very much. ;p

elyana . said...

You have beautiful girls. Does Huda have a baby doll that she can pretend to be her baby? Iman had 2 and it worked out well. She would do what I did to Ihsan with the baby. And she learned to be gentle to Ihsan as well (talking abt then, not now).

tea tea said...

farah is also very amoi!! wah!! bestnya farah dah 4kg plus at 7 weeks... hazim was only 4kg at 2mths. anyways, hazim's time over...hehe..
continue to gain those precious weight and become more and more tembam farah!!!!!! geramnyaaaaaaaa!!!

u mean farah's darker cos' she's not as fair as huda BUT she's still fair regardless? heheheheh....

farah got no more hair cos' cukur rambut or cukur bantal?

i'm disappointed this wkend punya plan cancel... :S nvmind la we'll reschedule again... but was thinking, we can still go visit this sat without maureen, if u guys are still avail tt is. kalau tak, takper la, another time also can... :)

nad makhuda said...

elyana - alhamdulillah, thank you. huda has a baby doll that she calls babybobo. the only thing she does to babybobo is to breastfeed it. :rolls eyes:

tea - initially i was disappointed too because i was looking forward to seeing hazim and all his antics (especially after the horsie video). but thank goodness, this saturday's plan is cancelled cos huda is on hfmd watch. she has 2 spots on her arms since yesterday and one of her classmates is down with hfmd. so, i'm not taking any chances. she didnt go to school today (which means i'm pulling my hair out handling 2 kids without TheHusband around - i'm such a wimp lor). if by sunday there are no further symptoms, then it's not hfmd.

farah's cukur rambut was done at a kedai nyonya for all of $4. (inflation seh. 3 years ago, the nyonya charged us $3 for huda's cukur rambut)

tea tea said...

oh nosssssss.....hopefully huda will be fine and those spots are just well..spots tt will go away on its own and not linked to hfmd....

it's okie la..kita boleh, the main thing is to make sure huda's okie! :) and the mak dun pull her hair out too much...

mrs shafei z said...

that look of farah in the last pic is priceless...mcm boring dgn kak huda dier. hehe.

nad makhuda said...

tea - eh, by the way, 7 weeks and 2 months about the same, wat? and yes, hopefully they are just normal spots. i'll definitely pull out more hair if she gets ulcers in her mouth and stops eating. no!!! no!!! no, hfmd, please!!!!!!

norza - memang farah fedap dengan kakak dia. always stealing the spotlight. even masa bapak dia nak amik gambar for farah's passport, kakak huda dia menyebok kat sebelah. issshhhh...

tea tea said...

errr..abt the same but got 1 week difference.. 2 months = 8 weeks... kekeke

they can gain like additional 300 to 500g in a week... and since i am obsessed with hazim's weight or lack of it, every gram counts! hhehe!

nad makhuda said...

tea - i totally understand your obsession. i'm only overcoming it now. huda's at the 10th percentile now. so i'm okay with it. as long as she's on the charts, i'm fine. by the way, i'll see you on the 18th, hor?